[PROJ] World UTM in a proper datum

Lesparre, Jochem Jochem.Lesparre at kadaster.nl
Sun Apr 18 07:37:10 PDT 2021

Duncan wrote:
> As an onlooker, I have a question: what is UTM/WGS84 intended to mean? Is it (A) the UTM projection using the WGS84 ellipsoid
as a parameter, or (B)  is it meant to imply also that the coordinates are in a datum that is one of the several labelled WGS84? A is clear and completely unambiguous; B isn't, partly because it is subject to change as data are collected (not to mention plate motions). Data-dependence is also a problem with geoid models: it is why there are so many, after all.

Duncan, I think WGS84-UTM is normally intended to mean both A and B so it is using a datum of WGS84 realisation and the WGS84 ellipsoid. According to ISO and EPSG de ellipsoid is part of the datum, so in that case the answer A and B is the same as just B.


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