[PROJ] PROJ 8.1.1RC1

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Thu Aug 26 05:57:00 PDT 2021

Le 26/08/2021 à 14:49, Kristian Evers a écrit :
> Thanks Even. I am definitely not one of those smart maths people so I'll just fix it!
> I think this is (at least) the second time this has happened. I wonder if there's a good
> way to avoid it. Clearly what's in HOWTORELEASE is not enough.

I see that PROJ_BUILD_VERSION is passed to the VERSION property of the 
"proj" target.

But https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/prop_tgt/VERSION.html isn't 
super explicit of what kind of version number is expected. On Linux at 
least it seems to be the .so.x.y.z numbers rather than the libtool 
version_info scheme (so a way of not getting it wrong would be to do an 
autoconf build and look at the result, but that won't work very well 
once we've dropped autoconf...)


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