[PROJ] Need for New CRS's with default datum transformation in PROJ with EPSG 6206 for North Macedonian three CRSs'

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Thu Apr 7 11:11:29 PDT 2022

> Concerning to EPSG 6316, as I understood, the only way is to create 
> new-separate CRS for North Macedonia with same parameters of 6316, in 
> order to solve our problem. This means that we should go back to EPSG 
> with new request for new CRS!
if I were them, I would not be very excited to do that, as their 
database is going to be a full mess if every user tries to add such 
hacks into it
> Do you have any other idea?
No, that's an hard topic. No easy solution. The solution might be that 
QGIS would be modified to no longer select the default transformation 
proposed by PROJ, and instead lets PROJ decide at conversion time which 
transformation to apply for each point. But that won't be perfect 
either, given that PROJ only uses a bounding box approach, and not the 
polygonal shape of the extents.

Another solution if you want to create a custom installation is to 
remove from the PROJ database the transformation(s) that you don't want, 
but I understand that's not what you want to do.


My software is free, but my time generally not.
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