[PROJ] PROJ 9.1.0RC1 & PROJ-data 1.11RC1

Kristian Evers kristianevers at gmail.com
Fri Aug 26 02:37:39 PDT 2022


I have prepared release candidates for PROJ 9.1.0 and PROJ-data 1.11. They can be
downloaded here:



See the PROJ release notes below. The PROJ-data release includes three new grids:

- French geoid grid RAF20
- Canadian grid for CGVD28 height --> CGVD2013a(2010) height vertical transformation
- Norwegian (Svalbard) geoid grid supporting the SVD2006 height system

Please check that the so-version of the PROJ RC is correct. I have followed the new
procedure described in the HOWTORELEASE document which for this release (in my
interpretation) means no change. But in light of recent releases it is quite likely that I
have yet again got it wrong.

Please test the two release candidates and report back your findings either to the
mailing list or in a GitHub issue.



9.1.0 Release Notes


 + Database

  o Database: update to EPSG v10.074 (#3273)

  o Update ESRI objects to version 3.0.0 (#3257)

  o Generate null transformation between geodetic/vertical datum ensemble and   
    its members (#3266)

  o Add fk delete cascade to database tables for improved customizability
    of the database (#3237)

  o Add Svalbard geoid grid no_kv_arcgp-2006-sk to grid alternatives (#3292) 

  o Added French grid fr_ign_RAF20 to grid alternatives (#3228)


  o WKT2 parser: allow unit-less PARAMETER for coordinate operations (#3271)

  o WKT and PROJJSON adjustments (#3234)

  o Bump PROJJSON to v0.5 (#3216)

  o Change order of horizontal and vertical operations when dealing with
    WKT1 / PROJ4 compound CRS (#3127)

 + Coordinate Operations

  o Implement Vertical Offset and slope transformation method (#3200)

  o Add Interrupted Mollweide (land and ocean view) projections (#3139)

  o Add invertible Horner polynomials (#3133)

 + Optimizations

  o NTv2 and GTX grid readers: add a cache of lines to speed-up (#3241)
  o IComparable::isEquivalentTo() optimizations (#3233)

 + Various Updates

  o createOperations() / proj_trans(): better take into account area of 
    interest name / do not only keep first returned coordinate operation (#3282)

  o createOperations(): take into account axis unit and inversion of target    
    DerivedProjectedCRS (#3281)

  o Allow a Compound CRS with derived projected (#3283)

  o Make "Vertical Offset and Slope" method usable as a deriving conversion of 
    a DerivedVerticalCRS (#3270)

  o PROJ pipeline generator: recognize opposite Helmert transformations using
    a different convention (#3265)

  o createOperations(): prefer simpler pipelines / affects WGS 84 to 
    GDA94/GDA2020 (#3248)
  o Make it possible to determine which grid files were actually used during a
    transformation (#3180)
  o Transformation: no longer do vertical trasnformation when doing compound CRS
    to 2D CRS / add --3d to cs2cs (#3119)

  o Deprecate PROJ4 CMake name (#3094)

  o Use GNUInstallDirs for CMake install locations (#3100)

  o Introduce PROJ_DATA environment variable to deprecate PROJ_LIB (#3253)

 Bug fixes
 o projinfo: fix crash on --list-crs when proj.db cannot be opened (#3290)

 o getCRSInfoList(): fix retrieval of projected_crs given by text_definition
   only (#3289)

 o WKT parser: fix issue when parsing some WKT1 with 
   Hotine_Oblique_Mercator_Azimuth_Center and ignoring rectified_grid_angle (#3280)

 o WKT1 import: better deal when the angular unit of the GEOGCS[] of the 
   PROJCS[] doesn't match the one from the database (#3274)

 o createOperations(): avoid potential infinite recursions (#3264)

 o WKT ESRI: fix related to projected CRS export and add support for geographic
   3D CRS with LINUNIT node (#3256)

 o proj_grid_info(): make it work again with remote grids (#3239)

 o createOperations(): fix projected CRS with non-metre horiz&vertical unit and
   towgs84 to gencentric CRS (#3231)

 o createOperations(): fix infinite recursion in a complex case (#3226)

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