[PROJ] intersects function

Javier Jimenez Shaw j1 at jimenezshaw.com
Sat Jun 8 12:33:56 PDT 2024


I am having a look at
bool GeographicBoundingBox::Private::intersects(const Private &other) const
(at metadata.cpp

And I see something estrange

The function starts with 3 if statements:

    if (N < oS || S > oN) {
        return false;

    if (W == -180.0 && E == 180.0 && oW > oE) {
        return true;

    if (oW == -180.0 && oE == 180.0 && W > E) {
        return true;

The first is clear: checks the intersection in the N-S range.
But the second and third I would expect
    if (W == -180.0 && E == 180.0) {
        return true;

    if (oW == -180.0 && oE == 180.0) {
        return true;
if it covers the whole planet (from -180 to 180) it clearly intersects,
right? Or am I missing something? (after is passes the first if statement
on N-S)

I am not trying to optimize the method, but just to understand it (I am
implementing it in javascript)


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