[PROJ] Easting-Northing vs Northing-Easting

Javier Jimenez Shaw j1 at jimenezshaw.com
Wed May 1 02:42:15 PDT 2024

Hi PROJ community

A few days ago I asked this in Mastodon:

Do you know why some **projected** coordinate reference systems use axis
order Northing-Easting?
Is that a historical reason?
(The most common case nowadays is Easting-Northing)

It's even more confusing when Northing uses abbreviation X and Easting uses

Please, replay if you know.

Bonus for westing-southing ;)

-Edit- Clarification: it is about projected coordinates, in meters or feet;
not about lat-lon


In this replay there are some examples of fancy axis orderings:

Does anybody here has any clue?

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