[PROJ] Easting-Northing vs Northing-Easting

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.com
Wed May 1 03:06:40 PDT 2024

Le 2024-05-01 à 11 h 42, Javier Jimenez Shaw via PROJ a écrit :

> Question:
> Do you know why some **projected** coordinate reference systems use 
> axis order Northing-Easting?
> Is that a historical reason?

If I remember correctly, Roger Lott from EPSG told me that it was  
reflecting the local convention of the country that defined the 
projected CRS. The abbreviation as well, even if "X" is sometime used 
for Northing (for example), it, this is because the country that defined 
the projected CRS does that way.

In some way, the EPSG database can be seen as not only a database of CRS 
and coordinate transformations relating them, but also a database of the 
local conventions for each country. In some way, the CRS contains 
localization data.


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