[PROJ] Vertical conversions for Austria

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Mon May 27 11:42:26 PDT 2024


The error you get is related to the fact that you can't formally 
transform coordinates between 2 vertical CRS, without specifying the 
"horizontal" / geographic CRS into which you enter the long, lat.

Here you, very likely, should combine them with EPSG:4312 "MGI" which is 
the CRS into which the at_bev_GV_Hoehengrid_V1.tif grid is registered to


$ echo 46.642970 12.792060  2513.98 |  PROJ_NETWORK=ON bin/cs2cs -d 8 
EPSG:4312+9274  EPSG:4312+5778
46.64297000    12.79206000 2514.15224077

Note that I've specified a latitude, longitude order as EPSG:4312 is 
defined with axis in that order


Le 27/05/2024 à 20:27, Andrew Kirmse via PROJ a écrit :
> I have some Lidar-derived lat/lng/elevation points in Austria in 
> EPSG:9274 <https://epsg.io/9274> that I want to convert to EPSG:5778 
> <https://epsg.io/5778>. I gather this is done by applying the offsets 
> from a particular model called the "Höhengrid", which I found at 
> https://cdn.proj.org/. These points are locations and heights of 
> mountains, and I want to convert them to EPSG:5778 because that's 
> what's used on the BEV Austrian topographic maps.
> I get this error when I try to do the conversion:
> echo 46.642970 12.792060 2513.98 | cs2cs +init=epsg:9274 +to 
> +init=epsg:5778
> DeprecationWarning: PROJ_LIB environment variable is deprecated, and 
> will be removed in a future release. You are encouraged to set 
> PROJ_DATA instead.
> proj_crs_get_geodetic_crs: CRS has no geodetic CRS
> Rel. 9.3.1, December 1st, 2023
> <cs2cs>:
> cannot initialize transformation
> cause: Unknown error (code 4096)
> program abnormally terminated
> What does "CRS has no geodetic CRS" mean, and how do I fix it?
> (Also, if anyone knows more about why these two different EPSGs exist, 
> I am curious.  One is for maps and one is for "scientific purposes" 
> but I don't know what that means in practice.)
> ---Andrew
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