[PROJ] geodtest/planimeter test failure

Greg Troxel gdt at lexort.com
Sat Sep 14 11:26:35 PDT 2024

I have several failing tests.  I'm going to post about them in small
groups, because I suspect they might have a common cause.  I realize the
problem could be in my toolchain.  I'll rerun paranoia and NetBSD's
regression tests.

My first question is: Do regression tests all pass for everyone else, on
all platforms they try to run them on?  If anyone has a clean pass on
anything that isn't windows/mac/linux, please email me privately and
I'll summarize.  If you have any failures, please post here.

My environment
  NetBSD 10 (up to date with the branch)
  gcc version 10.5.0 (nb2 20230710)
  building with cmake in a build directory
  9th gen i7, dell workstation (not an odd computer)

geodtest prints:

  checkEquals fails: 1.001875e+07 != 3.002268e+07 +/- 1
  checkEquals fails: 1.001875e+07 != 2.002072e+07 +/- 1
  Planimeter0 fail: 2
  checkEquals fails: 7.612398e-07 != 1000000 +/- 0.01
  Planimeter29 fail: 1

Looking at Planimeter0 and quoting sparsely, the failing tests are
these, on the same inputs.

  double pd[3][2] = {{90, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 90}};

  planimeter(&g, pd, 3, &perimeter, &area);
  result += checkEquals(perimeter, 30022685, 1);
  result += checkEquals(area, 63758202715511.0, 1);

  polylength(&g, pd, 3, &perimeter);
  result += checkEquals(perimeter, 20020719, 1);

Do others build with -ffloat-store to avoid extended precision?  (I
didn't find any such instructions in the readme.)


  geod_init(&g, wgs84_a, wgs84_f);
  geod_polygon_init(&p, 0);
  geod_polygon_addpoint(&g, &p, 0, 0);
  geod_polygon_addedge(&g, &p,  90, 1000);
  geod_polygon_addedge(&g, &p,   0, 1000);
  geod_polygon_addedge(&g, &p, -90, 1000);
  geod_polygon_compute(&g, &p, 0, 1, &area, nullptr);
  /* The area should be 1e6.  Prior to the fix it was 1e6 - A/2, where
   * A = ellipsoid area. */
  result += checkEquals(area, 1000000.0, 0.01);

geodsigntest prints:

  Line 149: sin(-90) != -1 (1)
  1 failure

due to

  #define checksincosd(x, s, c) do {            \
      T sx, cx;                                 \
      geod_sincosd(x, &sx, &cx);                \
      if (equiv(s, sx)) {                       \
        printf("Line %d: sin(%g) != %g (%g)\n", \
               __LINE__, x, s, sx);             \
        ++n;                                    \
      }                                         \
      if (equiv(c, cx)) {                       \
        printf("Line %d: cos(%g) != %g (%g)\n", \
               __LINE__, x, c, cx);             \
        ++n;                                    \
      }                                         \
    } while (0)

     checksincosd(- 90.0, -1.0, +0.0);

I'll keep looking, but any clues appreciated.

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