[Proj4j] 02 Code organization

Fred Pospeschil f.w.pospeschil.t.r at charter.net
Fri May 14 21:28:15 EDT 2010


This addresses how the code is organized and the contents of some of the packages.

Could the ProjectionException.java and Ellipsoid.java classes be moved back into the proj package?  That way everything needed to use the basic projections would all be in the one package.  It would simplify things for some users and make the documentation more straight forward.

If there is going to be a ProjectionUtil class I would also like to see it be located in the prog package for the reasons given above.  What is in the ProjectionUtil class now seems more related to coordinates than projections.  It seems quite related to the toString methods in the ProjCoordinate class.  
The ProjectionMath class appears to be a subset of Jerry's MapMath class.  I don't think that any of the projection code calls anything in this class.  Maybe the name could go back to MapMath?

Where did  the routines in Jerry's MapMath class that were called by the projection code go?  (msfn, tsfn, etc.)

When working with Jerry's code I was going to have a ProjectionMath class in the proj package which contained only that code which was actually called by the projection methods.  All the other code would be moved into a MapMath or MapUtil class to support the other work needed to draw maps.  Maybe this effort could use a CRSUtil class.  Does this sound reasonable?

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