[Projects] Re ZOO-Project's Interest to Participate in the upcoming OSGeo/OGC/Apache Code Sprint

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Sat Jan 9 02:31:16 PST 2021

Dear Rajat,

Best wishes and happy new year!
Thank you for letting us know about your participation, much appreciated.

Best regards,

On 1/8/21 9:07 PM, Rajat Shinde wrote:
> Dear Dr. Tzotsos and all,
> Thank you for your email and please accept my warm greetings and wishes
> towards a positive 2021.
> I wish to mention that the ZOO-Project would be very much willing to
> participate in the upcoming OSGeo/OGC/ASF virtual code sprint and on behalf
> of ZOO tribe, I humbly request you to add ZOO-Project in the official
> announcement list.
> Please let us know if any other information is required from our side.
> Thanks!
> Kind regards,
> Rajat Shinde
> Member, ZOO-Project PSC
> (On behalf of ZOO tribe)
> http://home.iitb.ac.in/~rajatshinde
>> Hi all and happy new year!
>> We will soon be able to announce dates for the code sprint.
>> If projects are willing to participate (and be listed in the official
>> announcement) please let us know.
> Best,
>> Angelos
>> On 12/10/20 3:05 PM, Tom Kralidis wrote:
>>> * Hi everyone: as part of our ongoing collaboration with OGC, and given *
>>> * the synergy of FOSS4G projects and OGC standards, we are working with *
>>> * OGC and the Apache Software Foundation to coordinate an OSGeo/OGC/ASF *
>>> * virtual code sprint in Q1 2021 (~February 2021). *>
>>> * As with previous OSGeo presence at OGC Hackathons, we will document
>> and *>* report on OSGeo participation at the event. This will provide *>*
>> value in terms of having a sense of FOSS4G projects involvement as part *>*
>> of our OGC collaboration. This will also help coordinate involvement *>*
>> at future hackathons / code sprints at both OSGeo code sprints (i.e.
>> perhaps *>* a dedicated interoperability theme), OGC Hackathons, or
>> related ASF events. *>
>>> * We are working with OGC and ASF to coordinate dates for the events, as
>> well *>* as a joint announcement to help advertise the event details in
>> the coming weeks. *>
>>> * Given the synergy of FOSS4G projects and OGC standards, we kindly ask *
>>> * that projects *>* consider participation in this important upcoming
>> event. This event with also *>* will be a first between OSGeo/OGC and
>> ASF, and provides the opportunity *>* for cross-pollination with ASF
>> geospatial projects (see [1] as an example of *>* geospatial projects
>> presented at ApacheCon 2020 as an example). *>
>>> * Thanks *>
>>> * ..Tom *>
>>> * [1] https://apachecon.com/acah2020/tracks/geospatial.html
>> <https://apachecon.com/acah2020/tracks/geospatial.html> *>*
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Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

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