[pycsw-devel] repository geometry storage

Tom Kralidis tomkralidis at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 6 15:01:59 EDT 2011

Hi: FYI in trunk, we have the  requirement for storing geometries in the format 'minx,miny,maxx,maxy'.

This format is adhered to for:

- importing metadata into the repository
- searching metadata spatially (server.util.query_bbox() and server.util.bbox_not_query())
- presenting metadata

For spatial searching, we are using Shapely [1] to perform operations like intersects (ogc:BBOX) and disjoint (ogc:Not/ogc:BBOX).  We transform the geometry to wkt (server.util.bbox2wkt) before passing to Shapely.

Is there benefit to storing geometries as WKT in the repository?  Or WKB (maybe for better performance)?  Or something else?

The change would be easy to implement, the question is would this be of value, in the context of the life cycle of catalog metadata (import/search/present).



[1] http://trac.gispython.org/lab/wiki/Shapely
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