[pycsw-devel] About "GetRecords-filter-bbox Request"

Junichi Nagai Nagai.Junichi at imslab.co.jp
Wed Jul 20 22:44:55 EDT 2011

Dear Tom Kralidis,

I'm Junichi Nagai from Japan.
(I'm sorry I can't speak English very well.)

I have a question about "GetRecords-filter-bbox Request" of pycsw.

I installed pycsw 1.0.0(http://sourceforge.net/projects/pycsw/files/1.0.0/)
to my OS:Windows.

I created the necessary tables and values for the repository by using

I imported all *.xml records(pycsw samples) by using

I sent "GetRecords-all Request" to my pycsw
server(http://localhost/cgi-bin/pycsw/csw.py) at

I got collect response from my pycsw
server(http://localhost/cgi-bin/pycsw/csw.py) at

No problem.

I sent "GetRecords-Element Request" to my pycsw server.
I got collect response.

No problem.

I sent "GetRecords-filter-bbox Request" to my pycsw server.
I couldn't got collect response.

I got below error.
<ows:ExceptionText>Invalid query: (OperationalError) no such function:
query_spatial u"SELECT records.identifier AS records_identifier,
records.typename AS records_typename, records.schema AS records_schema,
records.bbox AS records_bbox, records.xml AS records_xml, records.source AS
records_source, records.insert_date AS records_insert_date \nFROM records
\nWHERE records.typename IN (?) AND query_spatial(bbox,'POLYGON((-5.00
47.00, -5.00 55.00, 20.00 55.00, 20.00 47.00, -5.00 47.00))','bbox','false')
= 'true'" ('csw:Record',)</ows:ExceptionText>

I sent other "GetRecords-filter-*** Request" to my pycsw server.
I got same error.

Could you tell me what's wrong?

I use below.
  OS:Windows XP
  Python:Version 2.7

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