[pycsw-devel] CSW 2.0.2 - APISO 1.0 Implementation

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Tue Mar 29 21:07:08 EDT 2011


Right now the ISO profile is being developed as a plugin.
It can be enabled by the main configuration file and it also have its 
own configuration file to hold specific information.
I am trying to insert few lines of code in the core DC model, and the 
profile code will have to implement some specific functions to plug in 
to the core (eg Extended Capabilities).

There is only one major chunk of code in the core model, which involves 
the get_profile() function. We probably have to move this code in the 

Also in the sandbox, there is some initial work for INSPIRE.


On 03/28/2011 04:41 PM, Tom Kralidis wrote:
> We want to extend the current model by adding the ISO specifics via 
> profile.  We should also consider the DC model as "default".  Any 
> profile will have to map back to the core DC model core queryables.
> Once the profile is loaded, then the CSW request processing continues 
> like any other request.  For each profile found, the model is extended 
> (probably in CSW init).
> ..Tom

Angelos Tzotsos
Remote Sensing Laboratory
National Technical University of Athens

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