[pycsw-devel] General CSW questions

Ryan Clark ryan.clark at azgs.az.gov
Fri Jul 19 09:43:00 PDT 2013

It seems to me that for documents like metadata, straight-up Git should be the version control tool of choice. Has anyone looked into trying to use a Git repository as a pycsw backend? CSW providing a search interface and Git as an alternative to CSW-T?


On Jul 19, 2013, at 9:09 AM, Jeffrey Johnson <ortelius at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 4:06 AM, Tom Kralidis <tomkralidis at hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> From: iedwards.pub at gmail.com
>>> Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 10:03:21 +0100
>>> To: pycsw-devel at lists.osgeo.org
>>> Subject: [pycsw-devel] General CSW questions
>>> Is there a forum anywhere for generic CSW questions?  I'm new to CSW and pycsw and I have a few up front>questions that I've been unable to find answers to before getting stuck in.
>> fwiw, the OGC Forum exists for generic questions, see http://www.ogcnetwork.net/forum/18 for CSW.
>>> I'm trying to determine whether all transactions can/should take place through the CSW (CSW-T)>interfaces.
>> CSW-T supports the following use cases:
>> - insert a full metadata record
>> - update metadata records
>> - in full or a specific part of it (queryable, XPath)
>> - supports bulk updates using OGC Filter syntax
>> - delete metadata records
>> - supports bulk deletes using OGC Filter syntax
>> - harvesting disparate metadata
>>> I'm interested in:a) accessing change log (revision history) of metadata records - including who made>changes, date/time of modification etc.
>> This is not supported in CSW-T per se, however some metadata management environments probably support this (I'm thinking GeoNetwork).
>> The GeoNode project (http://geonode.org), which is powered by pycsw, is experimenting with GeoGit (http://geogit.org) for data/metadata, but I'm not sure how mature this is yet.
> Not sure that GeoGit is a good fit for this kind of thing, might be
> able to be made to do this, but its primary goal is to version the
> data. We have looked at things like django-reversion
> https://github.com/etianen/django-reversion inside GeoNode to do
> versioning on the metadata records and I suspect it wouldnt be that
> difficult to implement, but we just havent done it yet.
>>> b) high granularity of access control, e.g. anyone can edit DC fields in a metadata record, but only>designated people can edit the custom "approved" or "authorized" fields in the same record.
>> This is out of scope for CSW-T, as authentication mechanisms are left to the implementation.  Having said this, I haven't seen this level of granularity out there.
>>> c) can database migrations be managed for evolving the structure of metadata records? (changes to>database schema in repeatable and consistent ways).
>> Not CSW-T per se, however implementations certainly deal with this.  GeoNode  includes a metadata management environment and metadata migrations are made possible using South.
>> Hope this helps.
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