[pycsw-devel] metadata editor

Tom Kralidis tomkralidis at gmail.com
Mon Jul 27 05:41:51 PDT 2015

On Sun, 26 Jul 2015, Eva Jelínková wrote:

> Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2015 23:17:05 +0200
> From: Eva Jelínková <evka.jelinkova at gmail.com>
> To: pycsw-devel at lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: [pycsw-devel] metadata editor
> Hi all pycsw people,
> we are trying to set a catalog service based on pycsw to store the
> information about the data and services in our company. pycsw works well

Great to hear this!  If you have endpoint(s), feel free to add them / have
them added to our live deployments wiki page [1], which powers our live
deployments map [2].

> for us, it seems that the only problem is creation of metadata records... I
> have tried GIMED and EUOSME metadata editors but none is good enough for
> our case. We need just an easy open source web form (ideally python based).
> It don't have to be valid for all requirements of the INSPIRE directive. We
> will probably develop one but if there is any similar project you know
> about, just let me know, please. It would really help us.

There are numerous web options out there embedded in applications like
GeoNode and CKAN, however at the cost of all the associated machinery.

Having said this, as part of another project I'm involved in, we recently
released pygeometa [3] which supports creating ISO from a simple ConfigParser
file/object.  You could implement a simple Flask [4] based front end to
provide a form and saving logic, which would create a pygeometa
metadata object and then serialize to a metadata file as desired.  Or, even
better, publish directly to pycsw :)


[1] https://github.com/geopython/pycsw/wiki/Live-Deployments
[2] http://pycsw.org/community/
[3] https://github.com/geopython/pygeometa
[4] http://flask.pocoo.org/

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