[pycsw-devel] OpenSearch Query Format

Pedro G Silva pedro.gracio at deimos.com.pt
Fri Feb 19 06:58:32 PST 2016

Using opensearch on pycsw I noticed 2 things:
-lack of start page and copunt (already fixed on
-the time:start and end format dont feel like the standard used/written in
the draft.

Current descriptor URL:{searchTerms?}&bbox={geo:box?}&time={time:start?}/{time:end

On this document
start and end is referred as &dtstart={time:start?}&dtend={time:end?}
Notice the lack of / to separatae start and time and the use of &, just
like another argument.

This email is to promote discussion about which format to use or why the
current one should be used, {time:start?}/{time:end?} or


[image: DEIMOS Engenharia, SA] <http://www.deimos.pt>
*Pedro Gracio Silva*
Aerospace Systems / Production Center

*Av. D. Joao II, Lt 1.17.01, 10 • 1998-023 Lisboa, Portugal*
Ph: +351 21 893 3020 • Fax: +351 21 896 9099
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