[pycsw-devel] Fwd: MS4W version 4.0.0-beta1 available

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Wed Feb 20 09:38:08 PST 2019

Of course the power of this is that it is a single unzip to the C drive, 
and you get the full magic included in that zip of Python 3.7, Apache, 
mod_wsgi, pycsw, and ability to serve and consume various OGC services 
(WMS, WFS, WFS-T, WCS, WPS, etc) without installing anything else, other 
than that single unzip command.

It is exciting to see MS4W move into the full SDI realm.  Again thank 
you to pycsw !!!!


On 2019-02-20 1:07 PM, Jeff McKenna wrote:
> Thanks Tom!  By the way here is a sample service through MS4W & mod_wsgi 
> & Python 3.7 
> https://ms4w.me/pycsw?service=CSW&version=3.0.0&request=GetCapabilities
> -jeff
> On 2019-02-11 9:27 AM, Tom Kralidis wrote:
>> Wow this is great work Jeff thank you!! Interested in feedback on how 
>> things work with Python 3.7 as well as suggestions for a UI update.
>> Thanks
>> ..Tom
>>> On Feb 4, 2019, at 20:47, Jeff McKenna 
>>> <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com> wrote:
>>> Forwarding the announcement below to the pycsw community, as 
>>> MS4W-4.0.0-beta1 contains pycsw-master and an embedded Python 3.7.0, 
>>> running through Apache's mod_wsgi ....  -jeff
>>> -------- Forwarded Message --------
>>> Subject: MS4W version 4.0.0-beta1 available
>>> Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2019 20:46:49 -0400
>>> From: Jeff McKenna <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com>
>>> To: MapServer-users <mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org>
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> Many Windows users will be very interested that MS4W-4.0.0-beta1 is 
>>> available now, which will be a huge release of changes, as every library
>>> (over 200 now) has been upgraded and built with a new compiler 
>>> (Visual Studio 2017), and contains many great additions overall.  You 
>>> can test the beta at:
>>> - installer: 
>>> https://ms4w.com/release/experimental/ms4w-4.0.0-beta1-setup.exe 
>>> (recommended)
>>> - archive: https://ms4w.com/release/experimental/ms4w_4.0.0_beta1.zip
>>> Please see MS4W's HISTORY.txt for all of the changes, but here are 
>>> some of the highlights:
>>> - Mapbox Vector Tile output through MapServer (demo included)
>>> - PHP7 mapscript support (using the SWIG API)
>>> - usual mapscripts available (Java, Python, CSharp)
>>> - embedded Python 3.7.0
>>> - running pycsw Catalogue Server
>>> - expanded ZOO-Project WPS support (all GDAL/OGR services, Python, 
>>> PHP, CSharp, Java)
>>> - new Matomo Analytics package
>>> - simple map viewer on the localhost page
>>> - GDAL 2.4.0
>>> - MapServer 7.4.0-dev
>>> - mod_wsgi for Apache
>>> - and many more...
>>> You can see that MS4W-4.0.0 will be a full SDI for Windows 
>>> environments, with ~40+ working mapfiles and over 1.7GB of files, 
>>> empowering DevOps and organizations worldwide.  Also note that this 
>>> is a major release for MS4W, meaning that some things have changed 
>>> dramatically (PHPmapscript will now use the SWIG API for example), so 
>>> please follow MS4W's README for specific instructions for the many 
>>> plugins and mapscripts.
>>> When installing, it is very important that (if you are using the 
>>> .zip) your server must have the C++ Redistributable installed on it 
>>> beforehand: execute the local file /ms4w/tmp/vcredist_x86.exe 
>>> (alternatively if you use MS4W's setup.exe installer this is done 
>>> automatically)
>>> Please provide your 4.0.0 testing feedback through the MS4W tracker 
>>> (so the feedback is not lost or forgotten): http://www.ms4w.com/trac/
>>> Thank you all for sharing your spatial information with MS4W.
>>> -jeff

Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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