[pycsw-devel] pycsw sprint

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu Dec 23 04:58:08 PST 2021

Hi all, I'll also plan to attend (I think it's important to give Windows 
testing feedback).

Have a nice Christmas holiday all, safe & healthy,


On 2021-12-21 6:36 a.m., Tom Kralidis wrote:
> Hi all: we are contemplating a pycsw sprint in the next months and are 
> starting to plan.  A draft agenda and items of interest are included in 
> [1].  Note that we are thinking in the Q1 or Q2 timeframe.  Location is 
> TBD given current circumstances.
> Please feel free to add items that would be valuable (fixes, features, 
> etc.) to the project.
> Thanks
> ..Tom
> [1] https://github.com/geopython/pycsw/wiki/pycsw-sprint-2021 
> <https://github.com/geopython/pycsw/wiki/pycsw-sprint-2021>
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Jeff McKenna
GatewayGeo: Developers of MS4W, MapServer Consulting and Training
co-founder of FOSS4G

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