[pycsw-devel] OGC API - Records implementation update

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Wed Jun 2 04:25:12 PDT 2021

Hi all,

OGC API Records has landed in master today.


On 3/21/21 8:34 PM, Tom Kralidis wrote:
> Hi all: hope everything is well with you during these times.
> We'd like to provide an update on pycsw status and the emerging
> OGC API - Records specification.  For those who may not be aware,
> OARec is part of the OGC API effort [1] to modernize API standards
> in order to help lower the barrier to implementation.  OARec is the natural
> successor to OGC CSW (similar to OGC API - Feature being the
> same for OGC WFS) and fits into the pycsw scope and roadmap.
> OARec has seen considerable progress in the last 6 months in
> support of moving ahead for public comment as well as the
> eventual formal specification (note that Angelos and myself are
> part of the OARec Standards Working Group).
> Given the current state of OARec (endpoints, core record model)
> we have decided that the time is right to move ahead and implement
> in pycsw proper.
> We have started implementing the feature branch in [2] and have a
> working product based on the existing pycsw architecture (configuration,
> repository, etc.).  Note that the goal here would be for pycsw to support
> all its current interfaces so a user can support both OARec and the
> current interfaces (CSW, OpenSearch, etc.) as part of their deployment.
> As with CSW2/3, we will also target pycsw as an OARec Reference
> Implementation.
> For those who are interested, we are tracking this feature in [3].  Note
> that we will also put forth an RFC for PSC review/vote.
> This feature is a long time coming, and now is the right time to start
> to implement and harden in pycsw.  OARec will be a core part of
> the OGC geospatial search capability, and is critical path for the pycsw
> roadmap and functionality for the long term.
> If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out
> here, IRC or Gitter.
> Thanks
> ..Tom
> [1] https://ogcapi.ogc.org
> [2] https://github.com/geopython/pycsw/tree/oarec
> [3] https://github.com/geopython/pycsw/issues/670
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Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

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