[pycsw-devel] pycsw + SOLR

Paul genuchten at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 14 00:32:04 PST 2025

 Hi team, yesterday i had a short meeting with Massimo di Stefano, related to their work on pycsw+solr. A nice work available at https://github.com/epifanio/adc-pycsw. At ISRIC we’re interested to contribute to the further development of that work. But would like to understand some aspects of it.
At the moment pycsw is heavily bound to a relational database, I understand this aspect has been introduced with the flask app.I understand there are ambitions to refactor this aspect so the database becomes optional. 
How concrete are the plans for such a refactor, should we set up a branch where contributions can be added or organise a code sprint? Is there an RFC with some design ideas?
On timeline, I assume the release v3 has now most priority, so major developments are not desirable. 
Thank you for your thoughts...
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