[pycsw-devel] pycsw + SOLR

Tom Kralidis tomkralidis at gmail.com
Sat Feb 22 17:00:43 PST 2025

Hi Paul:

On Fri, Feb 14, 2025 at 3:32 AM Paul via pycsw-devel <
pycsw-devel at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:

> Hi team, yesterday i had a short meeting with Massimo di Stefano, related
> to their work on pycsw+solr.
> A nice work available at https://github.com/epifanio/adc-pycsw. At ISRIC
> we’re interested to contribute
> to the further development of that work. But would like to understand some
> aspects of it.
> At the moment pycsw is heavily bound to a relational database, I
> understand this aspect has been introduced with the flask app.
> I understand there are ambitions to refactor this aspect so the database
> becomes optional.
> How concrete are the plans for such a refactor, should we set up a branch
> where contributions can be added or organise a code sprint? Is there an RFC
> with some design ideas?
> On timeline, I assume the release v3 has now most priority, so major
> developments are not desirable.
> Thank you for your thoughts...
Yes, this has been discussed with Massimo and others in terms of
abstracting the RDBMS dependence.  Currently, one can bind pycsw to a
non-RDBMS backend, but it will lack transactional capability.  The other
current limitation is that the Docker entrypoint is tied to a repository
startup and there are bits of RDBMS-isms in those codepaths.

I'm planning an initial implementation of a "next gen" repository
functionality in April/May 2025 and will ask for help/contributions at that
time, once there is a scaffold (which will heavily depend on pygeofilter).
Whether it actually replaces the current repository concept (as opposed to
being another option) is still TBD.  The main goal would be to achieve
parity with current unit and functional testing.  I will reach out here and
GitHub in April on next steps, but the main plan would be to have something
in master branch hopefully by end of summer 2025.


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