[pygeoapi] Fwd: The 2nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Geospatial Data Access and Processing APIs

Paul van Genuchten paul.vangenuchten at geocat.net
Thu Sep 10 00:02:25 PDT 2020

I’m interested in joining the preparation of the workshop
Some items to consider come to my mind:
- intended audience; local installation requires quite skills (but maybe we expect this skills in our audience), docker install in amazon/google/azure is quite simple and we can focus the workshop on content
- What is a typical use case of pygeoapi interesting for such a workshop, the covid data could be interesting? 

Potential trainings items in the workshop
- Set up a service (local/docker) using some prepared data (and/or existing wfs)
- Connect to the api through qgis
- View data through web interface, analyse in google structured data tools (advanced; set up a service with json-ld context; analyse in testing tool)
- STAC search/browse with some STAC client
- Setup a Process, use process through open api doc page

What do you think?

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