[Pywps-dev] welcome

Jachym Cepicky jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
Wed May 15 14:23:14 PDT 2013


the mailing list is still warm, and I saw already so many great names on
it - thank you for joining!

I just wanted to drop a message, that currently, I'm working with
python3, on parsing input values (both GET and POST). What is done:

* GetCapabilities request parsed
* DescribeProcess request parsed
* Execute LiteralInput parsed
* Execute BoundingBoxInput parsed

all for GET and POST.

Several notes/questions:

1 - The software shall work with python 2.7 out of the box, BUT, tests
will fail, due to difference, how StringIO is working

	python2.7: f = StringIO(unicode("string"))

	python3:   f = StringIO("string")

2 - I was thinking about, how to parse inputs somehow automatically,
withou needing to touch the processes, they shall be bounded to
according to the request. But that is not possible (for the KVP
encoding): Literal and Complex data can not be distinguished according
to they encoding in KVP (GET). So the parsing for Execute request must
be like

	1 - identify request (Execute)
	2 - create Process object
	3 - determine input types and identifiers
	4 - fill the process with parsed values for each identifier

To make it short: it will be the same, as it is in the 3.x branch

I wanted to parse the Execute request *without* touching any process.
But I do not see any way, how to do it.

Any opinions?

Jachym Cepicky
Help Service - Remote Sensing s.r.o.
jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
HS-RS: jachym at hsrs.cz http://bnhelp.cz

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