[Pywps-dev] how to using GeoServer REST API to save output data to GeoServer

Jachym Cepicky jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
Wed May 22 02:27:15 PDT 2013


[cced to pywps-dev]

Dne 22.5.2013 05:25, welkin zzp napsal(a):
> Hi  Jachym:
>     I' sorry for bothering you again, some problems hinder me unable to
> move forward when I was learning to use REST API to
> upload output data to GeoServer, and I need your suggestions ,the first
> question is when I create a new workspace how should I
> set the enabled services like WFS/WCS that this workespace will be
> providing, 

I think, we have to this by hand in the geoserver administration
interface, in the workspace configuration

> the second problem is what is the correction
> method that upload an raster file?

If you by "correction" mean "correct", I think, following has to be done:

1) upload/copy raster file to geoserver database
2) publish inside some workspace, e.g. using gsconfig.py

        # create geoserver connection
	cat = Catalog("http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest", "admin", "geoserver")

	# get already created workspace, the name will be probably in config
file of pywps in the future
	ws = cat.get_workspace("ws_name")

	# create coveragestore with given data
	cov  = cat.create_coveragestore(self, output_name, data, workspace=ws,

It should be more descriptive in test/catalogtests.py of gsconfig.py


Jachym Cepicky
Help Service - Remote Sensing s.r.o.
jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
HS-RS: jachym at hsrs.cz http://bnhelp.cz

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