[Pywps-dev] mvc in pywps - django?

Jachym Cepicky jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
Sat May 25 14:29:29 PDT 2013

Maybe having pre-defined set of standard in/outputs, distributed along
with pywps-core would be good compromise


Dne 25.5.2013 22:27, Tom Kralidis napsal(a):
> Hi Jachym: thanks for the info.
> Having worked on pycsw in GeoNode, I can say it would be extremely valuable to have Django type integration, and the project has had much success with this seamless type of integration.
> You'll want to check out EOxServer (http://eoxserver.org/) for a similar approach, where Django is used to manage resources which are then made available via WCS, etc.
> For PyWPS, I would think Django would be a type of "backend" for managing processes, in addition to traditional methods.
> Date: Sat, 25 May 2013 21:19:24 +0200
> From: jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
> To: pywps-dev at lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: [Pywps-dev] mvc in pywps - django?
> Hi,
> during coding of the new pywps parsing mechanism, I was thinking about
> totally different concept of PyWPS, it could be complain more to the mvc
> (model view controller) paradigm.
> Right now, when the user wants to configure process, he have to write
> all the configuration from scratch. But what if we would have mechanism,
> where you can store all data input and data output types, and you would
> just "add" this particular data ins/outs to particular process.
> Process configuration would then not be about writing all "complex
> raster input" definition again and again, it would be about "add
> standard complex raster input" from your library. Don’t Repeat Yourself.
> Similar to GeoServer - data store, once created, can be used multiple
> times for several layers.
> I hope, you can follow my thoughts up to this point. And I think, that
> django would be the tool on this place, which would enable such
> approach. It can use several database engines, it contains templating
> system ... hmm.
> PyWPS would probably not be that slick little envelop. But would we gain
> something more, when relayed on django?
> Any thoughts?
> Jachym

Jachym Cepicky
Help Service - Remote Sensing s.r.o.
jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
HS-RS: jachym at hsrs.cz http://bnhelp.cz

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