[Pywps-dev] pywps and gsoc 2014

Jachym Cepicky jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
Thu Feb 13 02:00:41 PST 2014

Hi Jonas, 

thanks for your input (and feedback, it's alwyas nice to hear about new user).

Process chaing is definitelly valid option, for web-based administration is IMHO
too early (for PyWPS 4). I'm not sure, I would like anybody to do that for PyWPS
3.x version (if you have someone, I can add it to ideas page and he/she can pick
the topic up). PyWPS 4 should be administration interface ready. But let's
prepared for this:


Can I add you as mentor to process chaining capabilities?



On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 03:45:43AM -0600, Jonas Eberle wrote:
>    Hi all, 
>    although I am not an active core developer of PyWPS (yet), I am using
>    PyWPS for a few years now for different projects providing web processing
>    services with focus an process chaining and operational systems. 
>    I'd like to contribute two ideas for GSOC 2014 based on my perspective
>    using and developing processes for PyWPS. But you should decide if the
>    ideas suit to the current status of PyWPS-4. Maybe it is too early for
>    these ideas or other ideas have a higher priority for PyWPS-4. That is up
>    to you. 
>    ===============================
>    Providing process chaining capabilities
>    ===============================
>    Chaining geo processing services based on OGC WPS Standard can be achieved
>    in different ways based on the complexity of the application. Indeed there
>    are existing possibilities mainly for SOAP-based web services in general
>    (Taverna, BPEL), but in most cases a lot of effort needs to be invested to
>    implement such services and process chains. 
>    A good enhancement of PyWPS would be the integration of chaining geo
>    processing services either published as a further process or defined by an
>    input parameter (e.g., XML-based definition for process chaining).
>    Following features could / should be included (further ideas are
>    welcome): 
>    - Status updating of parent process (=process of process chain), 
>    - Provide access to results of subprocess, even if chain is still
>    running, 
>    - If/else conditions and for loops based on output values of subprocess, 
>    - Logical data transfer if subprocesses are on the same machine (no
>    unnecessary copy of data) 
>    =======================================
>    Web-based administration & process management
>    =======================================
>    Providing operational running processing services requires often a tool to
>    list executed processes with their current status to have an overview
>    about usage and possible errors. Users and administrators could easily
>    view a process log file, if generated from the process, and further
>    information about the executed processes. Furthermore process actions -
>    like an easy way to restart or delete an executed process - could be very
>    helpful for the process management. An administration part could extend
>    PyWPS to make it more user-friendly in creating services and changing
>    settings. 
>    The administration part could include: 
>    - Create services, change settings of services
>    - Add new processes (e.g., provide a template process for further manual
>    adjustments)
>    - Change process settings
>    - User management (?)
>    The process management part could include:
>    - List executed processes with their status (e.g., running, failed,
>    succeeded)
>    - View process details (e.g., inputs, outputs, log file)
>    - Provide process actions (e.g., restart, delete)
>    - further ideas are welcome
>    Greetings, 
>    Jonas
>    University of Jena, Germany
>    Department for Earth Observation
>    [1]http://www.eo.uni-jena.de/7020.0.html
>    --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>      hi all,
>      since we are approaching deadline pretty soon, I've tried to put
>      together our
>      Google summer of code page
>      https://github.com/jachym/pywps-4/wiki/GSOC-2014-ideas
>      Please, add you ideas for PyWPS-4
>      Please, add your name the the "mentor name" line.
>      My proposal:
>      Pirmin - For the QGIS MapServer
>      Sören/Jorge/Jachym - All the database/cloud ouptut stuff
>      Luís - For UMN MapServer
>      Could you please indicated, wheter you are willing to mentor the topics?
>      I can
>      understand, you do not have time/will/disinclined to do that, it's
>      perfectly
>      fine. I'm just addressing directly, to move things faster forward.
>      Thanks
>      Jachym
>      P.S. I hope, PyWPS 4 is ready for such features (or will be till
>      summer), even
>      it might not be finished yet.
>      --
>      Jachym Cepicky
>      URL: http://les-ejk.cz
>      e-mail: jachym.cepicky at gmail com
>      PGP: http://les-ejk.cz/pgp/JachymCepicky.pgp
>      @jachymc
>      _______________________________________________
>      pywps-dev mailing list
>      pywps-dev at lists.osgeo.org
>      http://lists.osgeo.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/pywps-dev
> References
>    Visible links
>    1. http://www.eo.uni-jena.de/7020.0.html

Jachym Cepicky
URL: http://les-ejk.cz
e-mail: jachym.cepicky at gmail com
PGP: http://les-ejk.cz/pgp/JachymCepicky.pgp

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