[Pywps-dev] Fwd: Fw: [WPS-2.0.SWG] CfC - Geoprocessing Workshop at AGILE Conference 2015

Luís de Sousa luis.a.de.sousa at gmail.com
Wed May 6 07:33:07 PDT 2015

From: Johannes Brauner <johannes.brauner at tu-dresden.de>
To: wps-dev at lists.opengeospatial.org, "WPS 2.0 SWG"
<wps-2.0.swg at lists.opengeospatial.org>
Date: 06/05/2015 13:58
Subject: [WPS-2.0.SWG] CfC - Geoprocessing Workshop at AGILE Conference 2015
Sent by: "WPS-2.0.SWG"
<wps-2.0.swg-bounces+luis.desousa=tudor.lu at lists.opengeospatial.org>


Dear geoprocessing enthusiasts in the OGC,

are you using or developing scientific models?
Are you using or developing geoprocessing functionality?
Are you interested in online collaboration and usage in regard to
scientific models or geoprocessing and don't want to care about
technical details?

If you answer one of these questions with yes, please have a look at:


Together with 52°North GmbH (Germany), University of Salzburg (Austria)
and Technische Universität Dresden (Germany) are organizing a workshop

"Geoprocessing on the Web – Science-driven and Community-driven"

in the context of AGILE Conference 2015 in Lisbon, Portugal, on June
9th, 2015. Please find all details by navigating to the above mentioned

Best regards,

Barbara Hofer (University of Salzburg)
Johannes Brauner (Technische Universität Dresden)
and the 52N team

Johannes Brauner
Technische Universität Dresden
Geoinformation Systems
Helmholtzstr. 10
D 01062 Dresden

Phone: +49 (0)351 463 39696
Mail: johannes.brauner at tu-dresden.de
www: http://tu-dresden.de/uw/geo/gis
www: http://tinyurl.com/brauner-profile

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