[Pywps-dev] Invitation to PCS

Jonas Eberle jonas.eberle at gmx.de
Tue Feb 16 13:26:08 PST 2016

Hi all, 

I am interesting in being a member of the new PyWPS PCS. For those who do not know me, a few words: 

I am using PyWPS since 2010 with the start of my master thesis at the German Aerospace Center (Remote Sensing Data Center). Afterwards I began my PhD studies at the University of Jena, Germany, in the field of web-based geoprocessing services in the Earth Observation domain with the objective to make time-series data and analysis better accessible to all kind of users, e.g. by providing WPS instances for data discovery, access, and analysis, of course using PyWPS.There is a video presentation and slides about these services that contributed to the OGC Architecture Implementation Pilot (AIP) for GEOSS [1]. At the moment I am about to finish my thesis in the next two months. 

For the next 2,5 years I am involved in the EU H2020-funded project SWOS (Satellite based Wetland Observation Service) and responsible for the data infrastructure, geoportal and mobile app. We will also provide web-based processing services and tools to the user. At the moment there is a discussion to link these processing services with QGIS by using a PyWPS-QGIS bridge. Furthermore a new project will likely start in June this year where I can look into WPS chaining again. For both projects I will use and contribute to the new PyWPS-4. 

Although I am using open source software a lot, I am quite new to GitHub and all related stuff. But I hope that I can learn a lot in the next time. 

Thanks to all of you who actively contributed to PyWPS. 

Best regards, 

[1] = http://www.ogcnetwork.net/node/1969 

----- Am 16. Feb 2016 um 14:57 schrieb Jachym Cepicky <jachym.cepicky at gmail.com>: 

> Hi all,

> I would like to invite some of you, who might be interested, to new Project
> Steering Committee (PCS) [1] of the PyWPS project [2]

> PCS is needed, for making PyWPS development more organised - some decisions
> should be taken in larger body. It's also needed for PyWPS being recognised as
> official OSGeo Project.

> Please, at your name to the end of [1] document (of course, read first).

> If you agree, we can make official voting per e-mail during Friday 2016-02-19.
> Please tell me, if you need more time.

> Jachym

> [1] https://github.com/PyWPS/pywps-4/wiki/PCS
> [2] http://pywps.org

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