[Pywps-dev] WebGIS development

Lorenzo Bottaccioli lorenzo.bottaccioli at gmail.com
Sun Apr 2 02:24:44 PDT 2017

Hi Jachym,

What I need to develop is a web-gis interface that shows me a layer of
poligons representing buildings, and another layer that represent available
surface for Photovoltaci deployment. Then the page must allow the user to
select one ore more buildings in order to request to WPS (that I have
developed with pyWPS) the calculation of the PV production between a
certain date. This WPS will return a geojson contating the buildings
polygon and the values of PV production for each time stamp between the two
dates. Then a chart with PV generation curves must be displayed and give
the possibility to download a geojson that is rerturned by the WPS.

Which are the best technology to do so?



2017-03-30 20:52 GMT+02:00 Jáchym Čepický <jachym.cepicky at gmail.com>:

> Hi Lorenzo,
> sorry for late response - this mail is sitting in my mailbox and I was
> never able to get on it. I hope, it is not too late.
> You are asking for rather complex question. Technologies you need to
> manage somehow are - on the server side
> * GIS tool you want to use for your analysis (GDAL, GRASS, R, ...)
> * Python as tool for GIS tool integration together with PyWPS
> * Understand how PyWPS works and how to configure it
> * Maybe some datase?
> * MapServer or GeoServer for background map servering
> On the client side
> * JavaScript as language and modern technology, the build stack of
> nowadays libraries (webpack or gulp, ...)
> * Mapping library (Leaflet or OpenLayers or anything else)
> * understand asynchronous code execution and XML parsing on the client
> * GUI library (ReactJS or something simplier)
> ...
> It's not task for weekend project for single coder, not many developers do
> have such complex skill set (usually, they stick to one technology, you
> will have to manage several).
> I (or other members of the list) could give you some advice, what to use
> for particular technology for each step.
> You are writing, you already have WPS service instance. Next you probably
> need to create web mapping application (MapServer or GeoServer at the
> backend, and Leflet and OpenLayers on the frontend).
> Do you have some code on github or elsewhere already?
> Jachym
> Dne 9.12.2016 v 13:13 Lorenzo Bottaccioli napsal(a):
>> Hi All,
>> I need to build a WebGIS for executing and displaying the WPS service
>> that I have build using PyWPS4. Can you give me suggestion for the
>> framework develoment. I'm quite new to those things. From what I have
>> understood I have to use Mapserver for exposign the results of the WPS
>> and Openlayer for the client side. But I miss how to integrate
>> everything together. Can you provide me some help?
>> Best,
>> Lorenzo
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> --
> Jachym Cepicky
> e-mail: jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
> twitter: @jachymc
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