[QGIS Commit] r8596 - docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide

svn_qgis at osgeo.org svn_qgis at osgeo.org
Thu Jun 5 19:10:27 EDT 2008

Author: taraathan
Date: 2008-06-05 19:10:27 -0400 (Thu, 05 Jun 2008)
New Revision: 8596

conventions macros have been modified in both structure and appearance. Comments have been added to clarify where each macro is supposed to be used.

Modified: docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/conventions.tex
--- docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/conventions.tex	2008-06-05 21:13:47 UTC (rev 8595)
+++ docs/trunk/english_us/user_guide/conventions.tex	2008-06-05 23:10:27 UTC (rev 8596)
@@ -3,47 +3,178 @@
 % options for boxes provided by fancybox package are:
 % \fbox, \shadowbox, \doublebox, \ovalbox and \Ovalbox
 \newcommand{\nix}[1]{Under GNU/Linix, #1}
 \newcommand{\win}[1]{Under MS Windows, #1}
 \newcommand{\osx}[1]{Under Mac OS X, #1}
+% button
+% mainmenuopt
+% dropmenuopt
+{ \textsf{#1}}}%
+% dropmenuopttwo
+{\includegraphics[width=3mm]{#1} \textsf{#2}}}%
+% tooltip
+% toolbtntwo
+\shadowbox{\includegraphics[width=7mm]{#1}}} %
+% toolboxtwo
+\includegraphics[width=5mm]{#1} #2%
+% toolboxthree
+ #3%
+% toolboxfour
+ #4%
+%for backward compatibility!
+% tab
+% checkbox
+\shadowbox{x}} %
-\newcommand{\toolbox}[2]{\includegraphics[width=0.7cm]{#1} #2}
-\newcommand{\checkbox}[1]{\fbox{\fbox{x} \textsf{\scriptsize#1}}}
 The conventions used in this manual are as follows. 
+\minisec{GUI Conventions}
+%Use \mainmenuopt for main menu items that have no icon only text
+%Main Menu includes: File, View, Layer, Settings, Plugins, Help
+\item Menu Option: \mainmenuopt{Layer} > %
+%Use \dropmenuopttwo for a drop-down menu item with an icon
+%Use \dropmenuoptone for a drop-down menu item with no icon 
+\dropmenuopttwo{addraster}{Add a Raster Layer}
+%Use \toolbtntwo for the toolbar items, including those that open dialogs
+%These have an icon, and display a tooltip on hover
+%Its really important to get the icon in there because that's what a user
+%has to search for. The tooltip adds confirmation
+\item Tool: \toolbtntwo{addraster}{Add a Raster Layer}
+%Use \button for a clickable button which has no icon, just text
+%Save As Default is a button that appears in the Layer Properties dialog.
+\item Button: \button{Save as Default}
+%Use \tab for clickable tabs which have no icons, just text
+%General is a tab that appears in the Layer Properties dialog.
+%At the moment, it looks just like \button, but that may change.
+\item Tab: \tab{General}
+%Use \toolboxtwo, \toolboxthree or \toolboxfour
+% for GRASS toolbox (not toolbar) items
+%These are what you see in the menu after you click Open GRASS Tools
+%The one you need depends on how many icons are required
+%The number part of the name is the total number of arguments (N)
+%The number of icons is (N-1)
+\item Toolbox Item: \toolboxtwo{add_grass_vector}{nviz - Open 3D-View in NVIZ}
+%Use checkbox for a checkbox item in a dialog popup
+\item Checkbox: \checkbox{Render}
+A shadow indicates a clickable GUI component.
+\minisec{Text or Keyboard Conventions}
-\item Button: \button{Save as Default}
-\item Tool Button: \toolbtn{Add Vector Layer}
-\item Tab Item: \tab{General}
+%Use for all urls. Otherwise, it is not clickable in the document.
+\item Hyperlinks: \url{http://qgis.org}
 \item Single Keystroke: press \keystroke{p}
 \item Keystroke Combinations: press \keystroke{Ctrl-B}, meaning press and
 hold the Ctrl key and then press the B key.
+\item Name of a File: \filename{lakes.shp}
+\item Name of a Field: \fieldname{NAMES}
 \item Name of a Class: \classname{NewLayer}
 \item Method: \method{classFactory}
-\item Name of a Field: \fieldname{NAMES}
-\item Name of a File: \filename{lakes.shp}
-\item Menu Option: \menuopt{File} -> \menuopt{Save Project}
 \item Server: \server{example needed here}
 \item SQL Table: \sqltable{example needed here}    
+%Use usertext for all other text that the user must enter from the keyboard
+%that is not covered by any of the above cases
 \item User Text: \usertext{qgis ---help}
-\item Toolbox Item: \toolbox{add_grass_vector}{Add Grass Vector Layer}
-\item Checkbox: \checkbox{Render}
-\item Hyperlink: \url{http://qgis.org}
 Code is indicated by a fixed-width font:

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