[QGIS Commit] r11295 - docs/branches/1.0.0/french/user_guide

svn_qgis at osgeo.org svn_qgis at osgeo.org
Sun Aug 9 06:02:40 EDT 2009

Author: yjacolin
Date: 2009-08-09 06:02:39 -0400 (Sun, 09 Aug 2009)
New Revision: 11295

[french] ajout des nouveaux fichiers traduits.

Modified: docs/branches/1.0.0/french/user_guide/creating_cpp_applications.tex
--- docs/branches/1.0.0/french/user_guide/creating_cpp_applications.tex	2009-08-09 09:43:23 UTC (rev 11294)
+++ docs/branches/1.0.0/french/user_guide/creating_cpp_applications.tex	2009-08-09 10:02:39 UTC (rev 11295)
@@ -1,28 +1,45 @@
-\section{Creating C++ Applications}
+% \section{Creating C++ Applications}
+\section{Cr\'eer des applications en C++}
-Not everyone wants a full blown GIS desktop application. Sometimes you want
-to just have a widget inside your application that displays a map while the
-main goal of the application lies elsewhere. Perhaps a database frontend with
-a map display? This Section provides two simple code examples by Tim Sutton. 
-They are available in the qgis subversion repository together with more
-interesting tutorials. Check out the whole repository from: 
+% Not everyone wants a full blown GIS desktop application. Sometimes you want
+% to just have a widget inside your application that displays a map while the
+% main goal of the application lies elsewhere. Perhaps a database frontend with
+% a map display? This Section provides two simple code examples by Tim Sutton. 
+% They are available in the qgis subversion repository together with more
+% interesting tutorials. Check out the whole repository from: 
+% \filename{https://svn.osgeo.org/qgis/trunk/code\_examples/}
+Pas tout le monde d\'esire une application SIG compl\`ete. Pafois vous voulez juste
+un widget inclus dans votre application qui affiche une carte alors que le but 
+principal de l'application porte sur autre chose. Peut-\^etre une interface 
+cliente d'une base de donn\'ees avec une carte ? Cette section fournit deux 
+exemples simples de code \'ecrit par Tim Sutton. Ils sont disponibles dans le d\'ep\^ot
+ de code subversion de QGIS r\'eunis avec d'autres tutoriels int\'eressants. 
+ R\'ecup\'erez le d\'ep\^ot complet \`a partir de 
+ \filename{https://svn.osgeo.org/qgis/trunk/code\_examples/}
-\subsection{Creating a simple mapping widget}\label{subsec:simple_widget}
+% \subsection{Creating a simple mapping widget}\label{subsec:simple_widget}
+\subsection{Cr\'eer un simple widget de cartographie}\label{subsec:simple_widget}
-With this first tutorial we take a little walk through creating a simple mapping
-widget. It won't do anything much - just load a shape file and display it in
-a random colour. 
-But it should give you an idea of the potential for using QGIS as an embedded
-mapping component. Before we carry on, many thanks to Francis Bolduc who wrote
-the beginnings of this demo. He kindly agreed to make his work generally
+% With this first tutorial we take a little walk through creating a simple mapping
+% widget. It won't do anything much - just load a shape file and display it in
+% a random colour.
+\`A travers ce petit tutoriel nous allons faire un petit tour dans la cr\'eation de
+widget simple de cartographie.
+% But it should give you an idea of the potential for using QGIS as an embedded
+% mapping component. Before we carry on, many thanks to Francis Bolduc who wrote
+% the beginnings of this demo. He kindly agreed to make his work generally
+% available.
+Mais il vous donnera une id\'ee du potentiel de l'utilisation de QGIS comme 
+composant de cartographie encapsul\'e. Avant de commencer, un grand merci \`a 
+Francis Bolduc qui a \'ecrit le d\'ebut de cette d\'emo. Il a gracieusement accept\'e de
+rendre son travail disponible.
-We start with typical adding the neccessary includes for our app:
+% We start with typical adding the neccessary includes for our app:
+Nous commen\c{c}ons en ajoutant les inclusions n\'ecessaires pour notre application :
-// QGIS Includes
+// Inclusions pour QGIS
 #include <qgsapplication.h>
 #include <qgsproviderregistry.h>
@@ -31,37 +48,53 @@
 #include <qgsvectorlayer.h>
 #include <qgsmapcanvas.h>
-// Qt Includes
+// Inclusions pour Qt
 #include <QString>
 #include <QApplication>
 #include <QWidget>
-We use QgsApplication instead of Qt's QApplication, and get some added
-benifits of various static methods that can be used to locate library paths
-and so on.
+% We use QgsApplication instead of Qt's QApplication, and get some added
+% benifits of various static methods that can be used to locate library paths
+% and so on.
+Nous utilisons QgsApplication au lieu de QApplication de Qt et nous obtenons des
+b\'en\'efices suppl\'ementaires de diff\'erentes m\'ethodes statiques qui peuvent \^etre
+utilis\'ee pour localiser les chemins des biblioth\`eques, etc.
-The provider registry is a singleton that keeps track of vector data provider
-plugins. It does all the work for you of loading the plugins and so on. The
-single symbol renderer is the most basic symbology class. It renders points,
-lines or polygons in a single colour which is chosen at random by default
-(though you can set it yourself). Every vector layer must have a symbology
-associated with it.
+% The provider registry is a singleton that keeps track of vector data provider
+% plugins. It does all the work for you of loading the plugins and so on. The
+% single symbol renderer is the most basic symbology class. It renders points,
+% lines or polygons in a single colour which is chosen at random by default
+% (though you can set it yourself). Every vector layer must have a symbology
+% associated with it.
+Le registre des fournisseurs est un singleton qui garde la trace des extensions 
+des fournisseurs de donn\'ees vecteurs. Il r\'ealise tout le travail de chargement 
+des extensions, etc. \`a votre place. Le moteur de rendu de symbole simple est la 
+classe de symbologie la plus simple. Il r\'ealise un rendu de points, lignes ou 
+polygones dans une seule couleur qui est choisie al\'eatoirement par d\'efaut (bien 
+que vous pouvez le d\'efinir vous m\^eme). Chaque couche vecteur doit avoir une 
+s\'emiologie qui lui est associ\'ee.
-The map layer registry keeps track of all the layers you are using. The
-vector layer class inherits from maplayer and extends it to include
-specialist functionality for vector data.
+% The map layer registry keeps track of all the layers you are using. The
+% vector layer class inherits from maplayer and extends it to include
+% specialist functionality for vector data.
+Le registre de couche de la carte garde la trace de toutes les couches que vous 
+utilisez. La classe de la couche vecteur h\'erite de maplayer et l'\'etend pour 
+inclure des fonctionnalit\'es sp\'ecialis\'ees pour les donn\'ees vecteurs.
-Finally the mapcanvas is really the nub of the matter. Its the drawable
-widget that our map will be drawn onto.
+% Finally the mapcanvas is really the nub of the matter. Its the drawable
+% widget that our map will be drawn onto.
+Enfin, le canevas de la carte est vraiment la partie la plus importante, car c'est le widget 
+dans lequel notre carte sera dessin\'ee.
-Now we can move on to initialising our application....
+% Now we can move on to initialising our application....
+Maintenant nous pouvons nous initialiser notre application ...
 int main(int argc, char ** argv)
-  // Start the Application
+  // D\'ebut de l'application
   QgsApplication app(argc, argv, true);
   QString myPluginsDir        = "/home/timlinux/apps/lib/qgis";
@@ -71,31 +104,48 @@
-So now we have a qgsapplication and we have defined some variables. Since I
-tested this on the Ubuntu 8.10, I just specified the location of the vector
-provider plugins as being inside the my development install directory. It
-would probaby make more sense in general to keep the QGIS libs in one of the
-standard library search paths on your system (e.g. /usr/lib) but this way
-will do for now.
+% So now we have a qgsapplication and we have defined some variables. Since I
+% tested this on the Ubuntu 8.10, I just specified the location of the vector
+% provider plugins as being inside the my development install directory. It
+% would probaby make more sense in general to keep the QGIS libs in one of the
+% standard library search paths on your system (e.g. /usr/lib) but this way
+% will do for now.
+Nous avons donc maintenant une qgsapplication et d\'efinie des variables. Puisque 
+j'ai test\'e cela sur Ubuntu 8.10, j'ai d\'efini la localisation de l'extension 
+fournisseur de vecteur comme \'etant dans mon r\'epertoire d'installation pour le 
+d\'eveloppement. Cela aurait plus de sens, de garder la biblioth\`eque de QGIS dans 
+un des chemins de recherche standard de la biblioth\`eque sur votre syst\`eme (par 
+exemple /usr/lib/) mais cette mani\`ere conviendra, pour le moment.
-The next two variables defined here just point to the shapefile I am going to
-be using (and you should substitute your own data here).
+% The next two variables defined here just point to the shapefile I am going to
+% be using (and you should substitute your own data here).
+Les deux variables suivantes d\'efinies ici pointent vers le shapefile que je vais 
+utiliser (et vous devez substituer vos propres donn\'ees ici).
-The provider name is important - it tells qgis which data provider to use to
-load the file. Typically you will use 'ogr' or 'postgres'.
+% The provider name is important - it tells qgis which data provider to use to
+% load the file. Typically you will use 'ogr' or 'postgres'.
+Le nom du fournisseur est important - il indique \`a QGIS quel fournisseur de 
+donn\'ees \`a utiliser pour charger le fichier. Habituellement, vous utiliserez
+ 'ogr' ou 'postgres'.
-Now we can go on to actually create our layer object.
+% Now we can go on to actually create our layer object.
+Maintenant nous pouvons avancer sur la v\'eritable cr\'eation de notre objet couche.
-  // Instantiate Provider Registry
+  // Instentie le Registre de Fournisseur
-First we get the provider registry initialised. Its a singleton class so we
-use the static instance call and pass it the provider lib search path. As it
-initialises it will scan this path for provider libs.
+% First we get the provider registry initialised. Its a singleton class so we
+% use the static instance call and pass it the provider lib search path. As it
+% initialises it will scan this path for provider libs.
+D'abord, nous initialisons le registre de fournisseur. Comme c'est une classe 
+simple, nous utilisons l'appel de l'instance statique et lui passons le chemin 
+de recherche des biblioth\`eques du fournisseur. Lors de son initialisation, il 
+scannera ce chemin pour les biblioth\`eques du fournisseur.
-Now we go on to create a layer...
+% Now we go on to create a layer...
+Maintenant nous cr\'eons une couche ...
   QgsVectorLayer * mypLayer =
@@ -114,115 +164,157 @@
     qDebug("Layer is NOT valid");
-  // Add the Vector Layer to the Layer Registry
+  // Ajout de la couche au registre de couche
   QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->addMapLayer(mypLayer, TRUE);
-  // Add the Layer to the Layer Set
+  // Ajout de la couche \`a l'ensemble des couches
   myLayerSet.append(QgsMapCanvasLayer(mypLayer, TRUE));
-The code is fairly self explanatory here. We create a layer using the
-we defined earlier. Then we assign the layer a renderer. When we create a
-renderer, we need to specify the geometry type, which do do by asking the
-vector layer for its geometry type. Next we add the layer to a layerset
-is used by the QgsMapCanvas to keep track of which layers to render and in
-order) and to the maplayer registry. Finally we make sure the layer will be
+% The code is fairly self explanatory here. We create a layer using the variables 
+% we defined earlier. Then we assign the layer a renderer. When we create a
+% renderer, we need to specify the geometry type, which do do by asking the
+% vector layer for its geometry type. Next we add the layer to a layerset (which
+% is used by the QgsMapCanvas to keep track of which layers to render and in
+% what order) and to the maplayer registry. Finally we make sure the layer will be
+% visible.
+Le code est assez explicite ici. Nous cr\'eons une couche en utilisant les variables
+que nous avons d\'efinies plus t\^ot. Puis nous assignons \`a la couche un moteur de 
+rendu. Lorsque nous cr\'eons un moteur de rendu, nous avons besoins de d\'efinir le 
+type de g\'eom\'etrie, ce qui est fait en demandant \`a la couche son type de g\'eom\'etrie.
+Puis nous ajoutons la couche \`a un ensemble de couches (qui est utilis\'e par 
+QgsMapCanvas pour garder en m\'emoire quelles couches doivent \^etre affich\'ees et 
+dans quel ordre) et au registre maplayer. Enfin, nous nous assurons que la couche
+ sera visible.
-Now we create a map canvas on to which we can draw the layer.
+% Now we create a map canvas on to which we can draw the layer.
+Maintenant nous cr\'eons un cadre de carte dans lequel nous pouvons dessiner la 
-  // Create the Map Canvas
+  // Creer le cadre de la carte
   QgsMapCanvas * mypMapCanvas = new QgsMapCanvas(0, 0);
   mypMapCanvas->setCanvasColor(QColor(255, 255, 255));
-  // Set the Map Canvas Layer Set
+  // Definir l'ensemble des couches du cadre de carte
-Once again there is nothing particularly tricky here. We create the canvas
-and then we set its extents to those of our layer. Next we tweak the canvas a bit
-to draw antialiased vectors. Next we set the background colour, unfreeze the
-canvas, make it visible and then refresh it.
+% Once again there is nothing particularly tricky here. We create the canvas
+% and then we set its extents to those of our layer. Next we tweak the canvas a bit
+% to draw antialiased vectors. Next we set the background colour, unfreeze the
+% canvas, make it visible and then refresh it.
+Une fois encore il n'y a rien de particuli\`erement difficile ici. Nous cr\'eons le 
+cadre et nous lui d\'efinissons son \'etendue \`a celui de la couche. Puis nous 
+modifions l\'eg\`erement le cadre pour dessiner les vecteurs antiali\'es\'es. Enfin, nous 
+d\'efinissons la couleur d'arri\`ere-plan, d\'ebloquons le cadre, le rendons visible 
+et le rafraichissons.
-  // Start the Application Event Loop
+  // Debut de la boucle d'evenement de l'application
   return app.exec();
-In the last step we simply start the Qt event loop and we are all done. You
-can check out, compile and run this example using cmake like this:
+% In the last step we simply start the Qt event loop and we are all done. You
+% can check out, compile and run this example using cmake like this:
+\`A la derni\`ere \'etape, nous d\'emarrons simplement la boucle \'ev\'enementielle de Qt et 
+c'est termin\'e. Vous pouvez v\'erifier, compiler et lancer cet exemple en 
+utilisant cmake comme ceci :
 svn co
 cd 1_hello_world_qgis_style
 mkdir build
-#optionally specify where your QGIS is installed (should work on all
-#if your QGIS is installed to /usr or /usr/local you can leave this next step
+#en option specifiez o\`u QGIS est installe (doit fonctionner sur toutes les plateformes)
+#si QGIS est installe dans /usr ou /usr/local vous pouvez laisser tomber l'etape suivante
 export LIB_DIR=/home/timlinux/apps
 cmake ..
-When we compile and run it here is what the running app looks like:
+% When we compile and run it here is what the running app looks like:
+Lorque nous le compilons et le lan\c{c}ons voici ce \`a quoi ressemble l'application lanc\'ee :
-   \caption{Simple C++ Application \osxcaption}\label{fig:cpp1_application}\smallskip
+%    \caption{Simple C++ Application \osxcaption}\label{fig:cpp1_application}\smallskip
+   \caption{Application simple en C++ \osxcaption}\label{fig:cpp1_application}\smallskip
-\subsection{Working with QgsMapCanvas}
+% \subsection{Working with QgsMapCanvas}
+\subsection{Utiliser QgsMapCanvas}
-In Section~\ref{subsec:simple_widget} we showed you the usage of the
-QgsMapCanvas api to create a simple application that loads a shapefile and
-displays the points in it. But what good is a map that you can't interact
+% In Section~\ref{subsec:simple_widget} we showed you the usage of the
+% QgsMapCanvas api to create a simple application that loads a shapefile and
+% displays the points in it. But what good is a map that you can't interact
+% with? 
+Dans la section~\ref{subsec:simple_widget} nous vous avons montr\'e l'utilisation 
+de l'api QgsMapCanvas pour cr\'eer une application simple qui charge un shapefile 
+et affiche les points. Mais \`a quoi sert une carte si vous ne pouvez pas 
+interagir avec ?
-In this second tutorial I will extend the last tutorial by making it a
-QMainWindow application with a menu, toolbar and canvas area. We show you how
-to use QgsMapTool - the base class for all tools that need to interact with
-the map canvas.
-The purpose is to provide a demonstrator project, so I wont promise to write the most
-elegant or robust C++ code. The project will provide 4 toolbar icons for
+% In this second tutorial I will extend the last tutorial by making it a
+% QMainWindow application with a menu, toolbar and canvas area. We show you how
+% to use QgsMapTool - the base class for all tools that need to interact with
+% the map canvas.
+Dans cette seconde partie, j'\'etendrais la premi\`ere en faisant une application 
+QMainWindow avec un menu, une barre d'outils et une zone de carte. Nous vous 
+avons montr\'e comment utiliser QgsMapTool - la classe de base pour tous les 
+outils qui n\'ecessite d'interagir avec le cadre de carte.
+% The purpose is to provide a demonstrator project, so I wont promise to write the most
+% elegant or robust C++ code. The project will provide 4 toolbar icons for
+Le but est de fournir un projet de d\'emonstration, je ne promets donc pas d'\'ecrire
+ le code C++ le plus robuste et le plus \'el\'egant. Le projet fournira 4 ic\^ones de 
+ barres d'outils.
- \item loading a map layer (layer name is hard coded in the application
- \item zooming in
- \item zooming out
- \item panning
+%  \item loading a map layer (layer name is hard coded in the application
+  \item charger une carte (le nom de la couche est cod\'e en dur dans l'application)
+%  \item zooming in
+  \item d\'ezoomer
+%  \item zooming out
+  \item zoomer
+%  \item panning
+  \item d\'eplacer
-In the working directory for the tutorial code you will find a number of files
-including c++ sources, icons and a simple data file under data. There is also
-the .ui file for the main window.
+% In the working directory for the tutorial code you will find a number of files
+% including c++ sources, icons and a simple data file under data. There is also
+% the .ui file for the main window.
+Dans le r\'epertoire de travail du code de ce cours, vous trouverez quelques 
+fichiers incluant les sources c++, des ic\^ones et un fichier de donn\'ees simple 
+dans le r\'epertoire data. Il y a aussi des fichiers .ui pour la fen\^etre principale.
-\textbf{Note:} You will need to edit the .pro file in the above svn directory to
-match your system.
+% \textbf{Note:} You will need to edit the .pro file in the above svn directory to
+% match your system.
+\textbf{Note :} vous aurez besoin d'\'editer lefichier .pro dans le r\'epertoire svn 
+ci-dessus pour qu'il corresponde \`a votre syst\`eme.
-Since much of the code is the same as the previous tutorial, I will focus on
-the MapTool specifics - the rest of the implementation details can be
-investigated by checking out the project form SVN. A QgsMapTool is a class that
-interacts with the MapCanvas using the mouse pointer. QGIS has a number of
-QgsMapTools implemented, and you can subclass QgsMapTool to create your own. In
-mainwindow.cpp you will see I include the headers for the QgsMapTools near the
-start of the file:
+% Since much of the code is the same as the previous tutorial, I will focus on
+% the MapTool specifics - the rest of the implementation details can be
+% investigated by checking out the project form SVN. A QgsMapTool is a class that
+% interacts with the MapCanvas using the mouse pointer. QGIS has a number of
+% QgsMapTools implemented, and you can subclass QgsMapTool to create your own. In
+% mainwindow.cpp you will see I include the headers for the QgsMapTools near the
+% start of the file:
+Puisqu'une grande partie du code est le m\^eme que la partie pr\'ec\'edente, nous nous
+focaliserons sur les sp\'ecificit\'es de MapTool - le reste des d\'etails de 
+l'impl\'ementation peut \^etre regard\'e en r\'ecup\'erant le projet \`a partir du SVN. Un 
+QgsMapTool est une classe qui interagit avec le MapCanvas en utilisant le pointeur
+ de la souris. QGIs a un certain nombre de QgsMapTools impl\'ement\'e, et vous 
+ pouvez sous-classer QgsMapTool pour cr\'eer les v\^otres. Dans le fichier 
+ mainwindow.cpp vous verrez que j'ai inclus les en-t\^etes pour QgsMapTools pr\`es 
+ du d\'ebut du fichier :
      // QGIS Map tools
@@ -230,8 +322,8 @@
      #include "qgsmaptoolpan.h"
      #include "qgsmaptoolzoom.h"
-     // These are the other headers for available map tools 
-     // (not used in this example)
+     // Il y a d'autres en tete pour les outils de la carte disponibles
+     // (non utilise dans cet exemple)
      //#include "qgsmaptoolcapture.h"
      //#include "qgsmaptoolidentify.h"
@@ -240,23 +332,29 @@
      //#include "qgsmeasure.h"
-As you can see, I am only using two types of MapTool subclasses for this
-tutorial, but there are more available in the QGIS library. Hooking up our
-MapTools to the canvas is very easy using the normal Qt4 signal/slot mechanism:
+% As you can see, I am only using two types of MapTool subclasses for this
+% tutorial, but there are more available in the QGIS library. Hooking up our
+% MapTools to the canvas is very easy using the normal Qt4 signal/slot mechanism:
+Comme vous pouvez le voir, je n'utilise que deux types de sous-classe MapTool 
+pour cette partie, mais il y en a plus de disponibles dans la biblioth\`eque QGIS.
+Agrafer notre MapTools au cadre est tr\`es facile en utilisant le m\'ecanisme normal 
+slot/signal de Qt4.
-     //create the action behaviours
+     //creer le comportement action
      connect(mActionPan, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(panMode()));
      connect(mActionZoomIn, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(zoomInMode()));
      connect(mActionZoomOut, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(zoomOutMode()));
      connect(mActionAddLayer, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(addLayer()));
-Next we make a small toolbar to hold our toolbuttons. Note that the mpAction*
-actions were created in designer.
+% Next we make a small toolbar to hold our toolbuttons. Note that the mpAction*
+% actions were created in designer.
+Puis nous r\'ealisons une barre d'outils pour contenir nos boutons. Notez que les 
+actions mpAction* ont \'et\'e cr\'e\'ees dans QtDesigner.
-     //create a little toolbar
+     //creer une petite barre d'outils
      mpMapToolBar = addToolBar(tr("File"));
@@ -264,11 +362,13 @@
-Thats really pretty straightforward Qt stuff too. Now we create our three map
+% Thats really pretty straightforward Qt stuff too. Now we create our three map
+% tools:
+Ceci \'egalement est une possibilit\'e de Qt assez simple.Maintenant nous cr\'eons 
+nos trois outils pour la carte :
-     //create the maptools
+     //creer les outils de le carte
      mpPanTool = new QgsMapToolPan(mpMapCanvas);
      mpZoomInTool = new QgsMapToolZoom(mpMapCanvas, FALSE); // false = in
@@ -277,10 +377,15 @@
-Again nothing here is very complicated - we are creating tool instances, each
-of which is associated with the same mapcanvas, and a different QAction. When
-the user selects one of the toolbar icons, the active MapTool for the canvas is
-set. For example when the pan icon is clicked, we do this:
+% Again nothing here is very complicated - we are creating tool instances, each
+% of which is associated with the same mapcanvas, and a different QAction. When
+% the user selects one of the toolbar icons, the active MapTool for the canvas is
+% set. For example when the pan icon is clicked, we do this:
+Rien de bien compliqu\'e ici aussi - nous cr\'eons des instances d'outils, chacune 
+d'elles est associ\'ee avec le m\^eme mapcanvas, et une QAction diff\'erente. Quand 
+l'utilisateur s\'electionne une des ic\^ones de la barre d'outils, le MapTool actif 
+pour le canevas est d\'efini. Par exemple quand l'ic\^one d\'eplacement est cliqu\'ee, 
+nous r\'ealisons cela :
     void MainWindow::panMode()
@@ -291,30 +396,35 @@
-   \caption{QMainWindow application with a menu, toolbar and canvas area
+%    \caption{QMainWindow application with a menu, toolbar and canvas area
+   \caption{Application QMainWindow avec un menu, une barre d'outils et une zone de carte
    \includegraphics[clip=true, width=\textwidth]{cpp2_application}
+% \minisec{Conclusion}
-As you can see extending our previous example into something more functional
-using MapTools is really easy and only requires a few lines of code for each
-MapTool you want to provide.
+% As you can see extending our previous example into something more functional
+% using MapTools is really easy and only requires a few lines of code for each
+% MapTool you want to provide.
+Comme vous pouvez le voir, \'etendre notre exemple pr\'ec\'edent en quelque chose de 
+plus fonctionnel en utilisant MapTools est vraiment facile et n\'ecessite 
+seulement quelques lignes de codes pour chaque MapTool que vous voulez fournir.
-You can check out and build this tutorial using SVN and CMake using the following steps:
+% You can check out and build this tutorial using SVN and CMake using the following steps:
+Vous pouvez r\'ecup\'erer et compiler ce tutoriel en utilisant SVN et CMake avec 
+les \'etapes suivantes :
 svn co https://svn.osgeo.org/qgis/trunk/code_examples/2_basic_main_window
 cd 2_basic_main_window
 mkdir build
-#optionally specify where your QGIS is installed (should work on all platforms)
-#if your QGIS is installed to /usr or /usr/local you can leave this next step out
+#en option sp\'ecifiez o\`u QGIS est installe (doit fonctionner sur toutes les plateformes)
+#si QGIS est installe dans /usr ou /usr/local vous pouvez laisser tomber l'\'etape suivante
 export LIB_DIR=/home/timlinux/apps
 cmake ..

Modified: docs/branches/1.0.0/french/user_guide/creating_pyqgis_applications.tex
--- docs/branches/1.0.0/french/user_guide/creating_pyqgis_applications.tex	2009-08-09 09:43:23 UTC (rev 11294)
+++ docs/branches/1.0.0/french/user_guide/creating_pyqgis_applications.tex	2009-08-09 10:02:39 UTC (rev 11295)
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 % vim: set textwidth=78 autoindent:
-\section{Creating PyQGIS Applications}
+%\section{Creating PyQGIS Applications}
+\section{Cr\'eer des applications PyQGIS}
+%\item [Traductrice :] Marie Silvestre
 % when the revision of a section has been finalized, 
 % comment out the following line:
 % \updatedisclaimer
-One of the goals of QGIS is to provide not only an application, but a set of
-libraries that can be used to create new applications. This goal has been
-realized with the refactoring of libraries that took place after the release
-of 0.8. Since the release of 0.9, development of standalone applications using
-either C++ or Python is possible. We recommend you use QGIS 1.0.0 or greater
-as the basis for your pythong applications because since this version we now
-provide a stable consistent API.
+%One of the goals of QGIS is to provide not only an application, but a set of
+%libraries that can be used to create new applications. This goal has been
+%realized with the refactoring of libraries that took place after the release
+%of 0.8. Since the release of 0.9, development of standalone applications using
+%either C++ or Python is possible. We recommend you use QGIS 1.0.0 or greater
+%as the basis for your pythong applications because since this version we now
+%provide a stable consistent API.
+Un des objectifs de QGIS est de fournir non seulement une application mais \'egalement un jeu de biblioth\`eques pouvant \^etre utilis\'ees pour cr\'eer de nouvelles applications. Cet objectif a \'et\'e rempli par le reformatage des biblioth\`eques qui a eut lieu apr\`es la sortie de la version 0.8. Depuis la version 0.9, le d\'eveloppement d'applications autonomes est possible en utilisant les langages C++ ou Python. Nous vous recommandons d'utiliser QGIS 1.0.0 ou une version plus r\'ecente comme base pour vos applications Python car c'est depuis cette version que nous proposons une API stable et coh\'erente.
-In this chapter we'll take a brief look at the process for creating a
-standalone Python application. The QGIS blog has several examples of creating
-PyQGIS\footnote{An application created using Python and the QGIS bindings}
-applications. We'll use one of them as a starting point to get a look at how
-to create an application.
+%In this chapter we'll take a brief look at the process for creating a
+%standalone Python application. The QGIS blog has several examples of creating
+%PyQGIS\footnote{An application created using Python and the QGIS bindings}
+%applications. We'll use one of them as a starting point to get a look at how
+%to create an application.
+Dans ce chapitre nous allons d\'ecrire rapidement le processus de cr\'eation d'une application Python autonome. Le blog QGIS propose quelques exemples de cr\'eation d'applications PyQGIS \footnote{Une application cr\'e\'ee en utilisant Python et la mise \`a disposition par encapsulation (\textit{bindings}) des biblioth\`eques de QGIS}.
-The features we want in the application are:
+%The features we want in the application are:
+Les fonctionnalit\'es que nous souhaitons avoir dans cette application sont :
-\item Load a vector layer
-\item Pan
-\item Zoom in and out
-\item Zoom to the full extent of the layer
-\item Set custom colors when the layer is loaded
+%\item Load a vector layer
+\item Charger une couche vecteur
+%\item Pan
+\item D\'eplacements panoramiques
+%\item Zoom in and out
+\item Zoom + et -
+%\item Zoom to the full extent of the layer
+\item Zoom sur l'\'etendue globale de la couche
+%\item Set custom colors when the layer is loaded
+\item Choix des couleurs au chargement de la couche
-This is a pretty minimal feature set. Let's start by designing the GUI using
-Qt Designer. 
+%This is a pretty minimal feature set. Let's start by designing the GUI using
+%Qt Designer. 
+Il s'agit ici des fonctionnalit\'es minimales et relativement essentielles. Commen\c{c}ons par cr\'eer l'interface en utilisant Qt Designer.
-\subsection{Designing the GUI}
+%\subsection{Designing the GUI}
+\subsection{Design de l'interface}
-Since we are creating a minimalistic application, we'll take the same
-approach with the GUI. Using Qt Designer, we create a simple MainWindow with
-no menu or toolbars. This gives us a blank slate to work with. To create the
+%Since we are creating a minimalistic application, we'll take the same
+%approach with the GUI. Using Qt Designer, we create a simple MainWindow with
+%no menu or toolbars. This gives us a blank slate to work with. To create the
+Comme nous cr\'eons une application minimaliste, nous allons avoir la m\^eme approche pour l'interface. En nous servant de Qt Designer, nous cr\'eons une simple fen\^etre principale (\textit{MainWindow}) sans menu ni barre d'outils. Nous aurons une fen\^etre vide sur laquelle nous allons pouvoir travailler. Pour cr\'eer la fen\^etre principale :
-\item Create a directory for developing the application and change to it
-\item Run Qt Designer
-\item The \qtdialog{New Form} dialog should appear. If it doesn't, choose
-\qtdropmenuopt{New Form...} from the \qtmainmenuopt{File} menu.
-\item Choose \qtdropmenuopt{Main Window} from 
-the \qtdropmenuopt{templates/forms} list
-\item Click \qtdropmenuopt{Create} 
-\item Resize the new window to something manageable
-\item Find the \qtdropmenuopt{Frame} widget in the list 
-(under \qtdropmenuopt{Containers}) and drag it to
-the main window you just created
-\item Click outside the frame to select the main window area 
-\item Click on the \qtdropmenuopt{Lay Out in a Grid} tool. When you do, the frame
-will expand to fill your entire main window
-\item Save the form as \usertext{mainwindow.ui} 
-\item \qtdropmenuopt{Exit} Qt Designer
+%\item Create a directory for developing the application and change to it
+\item Cr\'eez un r\'epertoire pour le d\'eveloppement de l'application et d\'efinissez-le comme r\'epertoire de travail
+%\item Run Qt Designer
+\item Lancez Qt Designer
+%\item The \qtdialog{New Form} dialog should appear. If it doesn't, choose
+%\qtdropmenuopt{New Form...} from the \qtmainmenuopt{File} menu.
+\item La bo\^ite de dialogue \qtdialog{New Form} devrait appara\^itre. Si ce n'est pas le cas, choisissez \qtdropmenuopt{New Form...} dans le menu \qtmainmenuopt{File}.
+%\item Choose \qtdropmenuopt{Main Window} from 
+%the \qtdropmenuopt{templates/forms} list
+\item Choisissez \qtdropmenuopt{Main Window} dans la liste \qtdropmenuopt{templates/forms}
+%\item Click \qtdropmenuopt{Create} 
+\item Cliquez sur \qtdropmenuopt{Create} 
+%\item Resize the new window to something manageable
+\item Redimensionnez la nouvelle fen\^etre \`a une taille convenable
+%\item Find the \qtdropmenuopt{Frame} widget in the list 
+%(under \qtdropmenuopt{Containers}) and drag it to
+%the main window you just created
+\item Trouvez le widget \qtdropmenuopt{Frame} dans la liste (dans \qtdropmenuopt{Containers}) et faites-le glisser dans la fen\^etre principale pr\'ec\'edemment cr\'e\'ee.
+%\item Click outside the frame to select the main window area   (je laisse le terme Frame pour des questions de coh\'erence et de compr\'ehension)
+\item Cliquez en dehors du ``frame'' pour s\'electionner la fen\^etre principale 
+%\item Click on the \qtdropmenuopt{Lay Out in a Grid} tool. When you do, the frame
+%will expand to fill your entire main window
+\item Cliquez sur l'outil \qtdropmenuopt{Lay Out in a Grid}. Le ``frame'' vient alors remplir toute la fen\^etre principale.
+%\item Save the form as \usertext{mainwindow.ui} 
+\item Sauvegardez le formulaire sous \usertext{mainwindow.ui} 
+%\item \qtdropmenuopt{Exit} Qt Designer
+\item Sortez de Qt Designer : \qtdropmenuopt{Exit}
-Now compile the form using the PyQt interface compiler:
+%Now compile the form using the PyQt interface compiler:
+Compilez ensuite le formulaire en utilisant le compilateur d'interface PyQt :
    pyuic4 -o mainwindow_ui.py mainwindow.ui
-This creates the Python source for the main window GUI. Next we need to create
-the application code to fill the blank slate with some tools we can use.
+%This creates the Python source for the main window GUI. Next we need to create
+%the application code to fill the blank slate with some tools we can use.
+Ceci permet de cr\'eer le code source Python pour l'interface constitu\'ee de la fen\^etre principale. Ensuite nous devons cr\'eer le code de l'application qui ajoutera \`a cette fen\^etre vide quelques outils que nous pourrions utiliser.
-\subsection{Creating the MainWindow}
+%\subsection{Creating the MainWindow}
+\subsection{Cr\'eation de la fen\^etre principale}
-Now we are ready to write the \classname{MainWindow} class that will do the real work.
-Since it takes up quite a few lines, we'll look at it in chunks, starting
-with the import section and environment setup:
+%Now we are ready to write the \classname{MainWindow} class that will do the real work.
+%Since it takes up quite a few lines, we'll look at it in chunks, starting
+%with the import section and environment setup:
+Nous pouvons maintenant \'ecrire la classe \classname{MainWindow} qui effectuera effectivement le travail.
+Comme cela n\'ecessite un grand nombre de lignes de code, nous allons les d\'ecrire par morceaux en commen\c{c}ant par la section import et la pr\'eparation de l'environnement :
 1 # Loosely based on:
@@ -95,17 +124,14 @@
 18 qgis_prefix = os.getenv("QGISHOME")
-Some of this should look familiar from our plugin, especially the PyQt4 and
-QGIS imports. Some specific things to note are the import of our GUI in line
-14 and the import of our CORE library on line 9.
+%Some of this should look familiar from our plugin, especially the PyQt4 and QGIS imports. Some specific things to note are the import of our GUI in line 14 and the import of our CORE library on line 9.
+Certaines lignes doivent vous sembler famili\`eres de nos extensions, notamment les importations PyQt4 et QGIS. Les sp\'ecificit\'es \`a noter sont les importations de notre IHM ligne 14 et de notre biblioth\`eque CORE ligne 9.
-Our application needs to know where to find the QGIS installation. Because
-of this, we set the \usertext{QGISHOME} environment variable to point to the 
-install directory of QGIS 1.x In line 20 we store this value from
-the environment for later use.
+%Our application needs to know where to find the QGIS installation. Because of this, we set the \usertext{QGISHOME} environment variable to point to the install directory of QGIS 1.x In line 20 we store this value from the environment for later use.
+Notre application a besoin de savoir o\`u se trouve l'installation de QGIS. C'est pour cette raison que nous d\'efinissons la variable d'environnement \usertext{QGISHOME} pour pointer sur le r\'epertoire d'installation de QGIS 1.x. \`a la ligne 18, nous stockons cette valeur pour une utilisation ult\'erieure.
-Next we need to create our \classname{MainWindow} class which will contain
-all the logic of our application.
+%Next we need to create our \classname{MainWindow} class which will contain all the logic of our application.
+Ensuite, nous devons cr\'eer notre classe \classname{MainWindow} qui d\'eterminera la logique de fonctionnement de notre application.
 21 class MainWindow(QMainWindow, Ui_MainWindow):
@@ -166,38 +192,26 @@
 77     self.toolZoomOut = QgsMapToolZoom(self.canvas, True) # true = out
-Lines 21 through 27 are the basic declaration and initialization of the 
-\classname{MainWindow} and the set up of the user interface using the 
-\method{setupUi} method. This is required for all applications.
+%Lines 21 through 27 are the basic declaration and initialization of the \classname{MainWindow} and the set up of the user interface using the \method{setupUi} method. This is required for all applications.
+Les lignes 21 \`a 27 constituent la d\'eclaration et l'initialisation basiques de \classname{MainWindow} et la l'installation de l'interface utilisateur par la m\'ethode \method{setupUi}. Ceci est n\'ecessaire pour toutes les applications.
-Next we set the title for the application so it says something more
-interesting than \usertext{MainWindow} (line 30). Once that is
-complete, we are ready to complete the user interface. When we created it in
-Designer, we left it very sparse---just a main window and a frame. You could
-have added a menu and the toolbar using Designer, however we'll do it with
+%Next we set the title for the application so it says something more interesting than \usertext{MainWindow} (line 30). Once that is complete, we are ready to complete the user interface. When we created it in Designer, we left it very sparse---just a main window and a frame. You could have added a menu and the toolbar using Designer, however we'll do it with Python.
+Ensuite nous d\'efinissons le titre de l'application qui soit plus significatif que \usertext{MainWindow} (ligne 30). Une fois cela effectu\'e, nous sommes pr\^ets \`a terminer l'interface utilisateur. Lors de sa cr\'eation dans Designer, nous l'avons laiss\'e tr\`es simple --- juste une fen\^etre principale et un frame. Vous auriez pu ajouter un menu et une barre d'outils en utilisant Designer mais nous allons le faire avec Python.
-In lines 33 through 38 we set up the map canvas, set the background color to a
-light blue, and enable antialiasing.  We also tell it not to use a
-\classname{QImage} for rendering (trust me on this one) and then set the
-canvas to visible by calling the \method{show} method.
+%In lines 33 through 38 we set up the map canvas, set the background color to a light blue, and enable antialiasing.  We also tell it not to use a \classname{QImage} for rendering (trust me on this one) and then set the canvas to visible by calling the \method{show} method.
+Des lignes 33 \`a 38, nous cr\'eons le canevas de la carte, d\'efinissons la couleur de l'arri\`ere plan \`a bleu clair et activons l'antialiasing. Nous pr\'ecisons \'egalement de ne pas utiliser \classname{QImage} pour le rendu (faites moi confiance) et enfin nous rendons le canevas visible en appelant la m\'ethode \method{show}.
-Next we set the layer to use a vertical box layout within the frame and add
-the map canvas to it in line 43.
+%Next we set the layer to use a vertical box layout within the frame and add the map canvas to it in line 43.
+Ensuite nous indiquons qu'il faut utiliser un alignement vertical dans le cadre et, ligne 43, y ajoutons le canevas de la carte.
-Lines 48 to 63 set up the actions and connections for the tools in our
-toolbar. For each tool, we create a \classname{QAction} using the icon we
-defined in the QGIS classic theme.  Then we connect up the
-\usertext{activated} signal from the tool to the method in our class that will
-handle the action. This is similar to how we set things up in the plugin
+%Lines 48 to 63 set up the actions and connections for the tools in our toolbar. For each tool, we create a \classname{QAction} using the icon we defined in the QGIS classic theme.  Then we connect up the \usertext{activated} signal from the tool to the method in our class that will handle the action. This is similar to how we set things up in the plugin example.
+Des lignes 48 \`a 63, nous d\'efinissons les actions et les connexions pour les outils de la barre d'outils. Pour chaque outil, nous cr\'eons un \classname{QAction} utilisant l'ic\^one que nous avons d\'efini dans le th\`eme classique de QGIS. Ensuite nous connectons le signal \usertext{activated} de l'outil \`a la m\'ethode de notre classe qui va g\'erer l'action. Ceci est similaire \`a la mani\`ere dont nous d\'efinissons les choses dans l'exemple de l'extension.
-Once we have the actions and connections, we need to add them to the toolbar.
-In lines 66 through 72 we create the toolbar and add each tool to it.
+%Once we have the actions and connections, we need to add them to the toolbar. In lines 66 through 72 we create the toolbar and add each tool to it.
+Une fois que nous avons les actions et les connexions, nous avons besoin de les ajouter \`a la barre d'outils. Ligne 66 \`a 72, nous cr\'eons la barre d'outils et y ajoutons chacun des outils.
-Lastly we create the three map tools for the application (lines 75 through
-77). We'll use the map tools in a moment when we define the methods to make
-our application functional. Let's look at the methods for the map tools.
+%Lastly we create the three map tools for the application (lines 75 through 77). We'll use the map tools in a moment when we define the methods to make our application functional. Let's look at the methods for the map tools.
+Enfin, nous cr\'eons les trois outils cartographiques pour l'application (ligne 75 \`a 77). Nous allons utiliser les outils cartographiques dans un instant, quand nous d\'efinirons les m\'ethodes qui rendront notre application fonctionnelle. Jetons un oeil aux m\'ethodes des outils cartographiques.
 78   # Set the map tool to zoom in
@@ -217,20 +231,14 @@
 92     self.canvas.zoomFullExtent()
-For each map tool, we need a method that corresponds to the connection we made
-for each action. In lines 79 through 88 we set up a method for each of the
-  three tools that interact with the map. When a tool is activated by clicking
-  on it in the toolbar, the corresponding method is called that ``tells'' the
-  map canvas it is the active tool. The active tool governs what happens when
-  the mouse is clicked on the canvas.
+%For each map tool, we need a method that corresponds to the connection we made for each action. In lines 79 through 88 we set up a method for each of the three tools that interact with the map. When a tool is activated by clicking on it in the toolbar, the corresponding method is called that ``tells'' the map canvas it is the active tool. The active tool governs what happens when the mouse is clicked on the canvas.
+Pour chaque outil, nous avons besoin d'une m\'ethode qui correspond \`a la connexion que nous avons faite pour chaque action. Ligne 79 \`a 88, nous d\'efinissons une m\'ethode pour chacun des trois outils qui interagissent avec la carte. Quand un outil est activ\'e par un clic dans la barre d'outils, la m\'ethode correspondante est appel\'ee ce qui ``dit'' \`a la carte qu'il s'agit de l'outil activ\'e. Cet outil activ\'e d\'ecide de ce qu'il se passe quand l'utilisateur clique sur le canevas.
-The \usertext{zoom to full extent} tool isn't a map tool---it does its job
-without requiring a click on the map. When it is activated, we call the
-\method{zoomFullExtent} method of the map canvas (line 92).  This completes
-the implementation of all our tools except one---the \usertext{Add Layer}
-tool. %FIXME 
-Let's look at it next:
+%The \usertext{zoom to full extent} tool isn't a map tool---it does its job without requiring a click on the map. When it is activated, we call the \method{zoomFullExtent} method of the map canvas (line 92).  This completes the implementation of all our tools except one---the \usertext{Add Layer} tool. %FIXME 
+L'outil \usertext{zoom sur l'\'etendue compl\`ete} n'est pas un outil cartographique -- il fait son travail sans n\'ecessiter de clic sur la carte. Quand il est activ\'e, la m\'ethode \method{zoomFullExtent} du canevas de la carte est appel\'ee (ligne 92). Ceci termine l'impl\'ementation de tous nos outils except\'e l'outil \usertext{Ajouter une couche}.
+%Let's look at it next:
+Regardons cela tout de suite :
 93   # Add an OGR layer to the map
 94   def addLayer(self):
@@ -261,40 +269,25 @@
 119    self.canvas.setLayerSet(layers)
-In the \method{addLayer} method we use a \classname{QFileDialog} to get the
-name of the shapefile to load. This is done in line 96.
-Notice that we specify a ``filter'' so the dialog will only show files of
-type \filename{.shp}.
+%In the \method{addLayer} method we use a \classname{QFileDialog} to get the name of the shapefile to load. This is done in line 96. Notice that we specify a ``filter'' so the dialog will only show files of type \filename{.shp}.
+Dans la m\'ethode \method{addLayer}, nous utilisons un \classname{QFileDialog} pour r\'ecup\'erer le nom du shapefile \`a charger. Ceci est fait ligne 96. Notez que nous sp\'ecifions un ``filtre''de sorte que la bo\^ite de dialogue ne montrera que les fichiers d'extension \filename{.shp}.
-Next in line 97 we create a \classname{QFileInfo} object from the shapefile
-path.  Now the layer is ready to be created in line 100. Using the
-\classname{QFileInfo} object to get the file name from the path we specify it 
-for the name of the layer when it is created.  To make sure that the layer is 
-valid and won't cause any problems when loading, we check it in line 102. If
-it's bad, we bail out and don't add it to the map canvas.
+%Next in line 97 we create a \classname{QFileInfo} object from the shapefile path.  Now the layer is ready to be created in line 100. Using the \classname{QFileInfo} object to get the file name from the path we specify it  for the name of the layer when it is created.  To make sure that the layer is  valid and won't cause any problems when loading, we check it in line 102. If it's bad, we bail out and don't add it to the map canvas.
+Ensuite ligne 97 nous cr\'eons un objet \classname{QFileInfo} avec le chemin du shapefile. Maintenant la couche est pr\^ete \`a \^etre cr\'e\'ee \`a la ligne 100. En utilisant l'objet \classname{QFileInfo} pour r\'ecup\'erer le nom du fichier \`a partir du chemin, nous donnons le nom du fichier comme nom de la couche quand elle sera cr\'e\'ee. Pour s'assurer que la couche est valide et ne va pas causer des probl\`emes au chargement, nous la v\'erifions ligne 102. Si elle est mauvaise, nous l'ignorons et ne l'ajoutons pas au canevas de la carte.
-Normally layers are added with a random color. Here we want to tweak the
-colors for the layer to make a more pleasing display. Plus we know we are
-going to add the \filename{world\_borders} layer to the map and this will make
-it look nice on our blue background. To change the color, we need to get the
-symbol used for rendering and use it to set a new fill color. This is done in
-lines 106 through 108. 
+%Normally layers are added with a random color. Here we want to tweak the colors for the layer to make a more pleasing display. Plus we know we are going to add the \filename{world\_borders} layer to the map and this will make it look nice on our blue background. To change the color, we need to get the symbol used for rendering and use it to set a new fill color. This is done in lines 106 through 108. 
+Normalement les couches sont ajout\'ees avec des couleurs al\'eatoires. Ici, nous souhaitons personnaliser les couleurs pour un affichage plus plaisant. De plus, nous savons que nous allons ajouter la couche \filename{world\_borders} \`a la carte et cela sera joli sur notre fond bleu. Pour changer la couleur, nous devons r\'ecup\'erer le symbole utilis\'e pour le rendu et l'utiliser pour d\'efinir une nouvelle couleur de remplissage. Ceci est fait ligne 106 \`a 108.
-All that's left is to actually add the layer to the registry and a few other
-housekeeping items (lines 111 through 119). This stuff is standard for adding
-a layer and the end result is the world borders on a light blue background.
-The only thing you may not want to do is set the extent to the layer, if you
-are going to be adding more than one layer in your application.
+%All that's left is to actually add the layer to the registry and a few other housekeeping items (lines 111 through 119). This stuff is standard for adding a layer and the end result is the world borders on a light blue background. The only thing you may not want to do is set the extent to the layer, if you are going to be adding more than one layer in your application.
+Tout ce qu'il reste \`a faire est d'ajouter la couche au registre et quelques autres t\^aches (ligne 111 \`a 119). Tout ceci est standard pour ajouter une couche et le r\'esultat final correspond aux fronti\`eres du monde sur un fond bleu clair. La derni\`ere chose \`a faire est de d\'efinir l'\'etendue de la carte \`a celle de la couche, ce que vous ne souhaitez peut-\^etre pas faire si vous voulez ajouter d'autres couches \`a votre application.
-That's the heart of the application and completes the \classname{MainWindow} class. 
+%That's the heart of the application and completes the \classname{MainWindow} class. 
+Ceci le coeur de l'application et termine la classe \classname{MainWindow}.
-\subsection{Finishing Up}
+%\subsection{Finishing Up}
+\subsection{Fin de l'application}
-The remainder of the code shown below creates the \object{QgsApplication}
-object, sets the path to the QGIS install, sets up the \method{main} method
-and then starts the application. The only other thing to note is that we move
-the application window to the upper left of the display. We could get fancy
-and use the Qt API to center it on the screen.
+%The remainder of the code shown below creates the \object{QgsApplication} object, sets the path to the QGIS install, sets up the \method{main} method and then starts the application. The only other thing to note is that we move the application window to the upper left of the display. We could get fancy and use the Qt API to center it on the screen.
 120 def main(argv):
@@ -323,13 +316,14 @@
 143   main(sys.argv)
-\subsection{Running the Application}
+%\subsection{Running the Application}
+\subsection{Lancer l'application}
-Now we can run the application and see what happens. Of course if you are like 
-most developers, you've been testing it out as you went along. 
+%Now we can run the application and see what happens. Of course if you are like most developers, you've been testing it out as you went along. 
+Nous pouvons maintenant lancer notre application et voir ce qu'il se passe. Bien entendu, comme la plupart des d\'eveloppeurs, vous l'avez d\'ej\`a test\'e r\'eguli\`erement en la d\'eveloppant.
+%Before we can run the application, we need to set some environment variables. 
+Avant de lancer l'application, nous devons d\'efinir quelques variables d'environnement.
-Before we can run the application, we need to set some environment variables. 
 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/qgis/lib%$
@@ -344,51 +338,48 @@
 set QGISHOME=C:\qgis
-We assume
+%We assume
+Nous supposons que :
-\item\nix{}\osx{}QGIS is installed in 
-your home directory in 
-\item\win{}QGIS is installed in \filename{C:\textbackslash qgis}.
+%\item\nix{}\osx{}QGIS is installed in your home directory in \filename{qgis}. 
+\item\nix{}\osx{}QGIS est install\'e dans votre r\'epertoire home dans \filename{qgis}. 
+%\item\win{}QGIS is installed in \filename{C:\textbackslash qgis}.
+\item\win{}QGIS est install\'e dans \filename{C:\textbackslash qgis}.
-When the application starts up, it looks like this:
+%ATTENTION : partie laiss\'ee en commentaire dans la VO :
+%When the application starts up, it looks like this:
+%Lorsque l'application se lance, elle devrait ressembler \`a \c{c}a :
 %  \caption{Starting the new demo application}\label{fig:demo_app_startup}%\smallskip
+%\caption{Lancement de la nouvelle application de d\'emo}\label{fig:demo_app_startup}%\smallskip
 %  \includegraphics[scale=0.8]{getdsn}
-To add the \filename{world\_borders} layer, click on the 
-\usertext{Add Layer} tool and navigate to the data directory.
-Select the shapefile and click \button{Open} to add it to the map. 
-Our custom fill color is applied and the result is:
+%To add the \filename{world\_borders} layer, click on the \usertext{Add Layer} tool and navigate to the data directory. Select the shapefile and click \button{Open} to add it to the map. 
+Pour ajouter la couche \filename{world\_borders}, cliquez sur l'outil \usertext{Ajouter une couche} et s\'electionnez le r\'epertoire de donn\'ees. S\'electionnez le shapefile et cliquez sur \button{Ouvrir} pour l'ajouter \`a la carte.
+%ATTENTION : partie laiss\'ee en commentaire dans la VO :
+%Our custom fill color is applied and the result is:
+%Notre couleur de remplissage par d\'efaut est appliqu\'ee et voici le r\'esultat :
 %  \caption{Adding a layer the demo application}\label{fig:demo_app_done}%\smallskip
+%  \caption{Ajout d'une couche dans l'application de d\'emo}\label{fig:demo_app_done}%\smallskip
 %  \includegraphics[scale=0.8]{getdsn}
-Creating a PyQGIS application is really pretty simple.  In less than 150 lines
-of code we have an application that can load a shapefile and navigate the map.
-If you play around with the map, you'll notice that some of the built-in
-features of the canvas also work, including mouse wheel scrolling and panning
-by holding down the \keystroke{Space} bar and moving the mouse.
+%Creating a PyQGIS application is really pretty simple.  In less than 150 lines of code we have an application that can load a shapefile and navigate the map. If you play around with the map, you'll notice that some of the built-in features of the canvas also work, including mouse wheel scrolling and panning by holding down the \keystroke{Space} bar and moving the mouse.
+Cr\'eer une application PyQGIS est vraiment facile. En moins de 150 lignes de code, nous avons une application qui permet de charger un shapefile et de naviguer sur la carte. Si vous jouez un peu avec la carte, vous vous apercevrez que certaines fonctionnalit\'es int\'egr\'ees du canevas marchent \'egalement, dont la molette de la souris, le d\'eplacement en maintenant la barre \keystroke{espace} et en bougeant la souris.
-Some sophisticated applications have been created with PyQGIS and more are in 
-the works. This is pretty impressive, considering that this development has 
-taken place even before the official release of QGIS 1.0.
+%Some sophisticated applications have been created with PyQGIS and more are in  the works. This is pretty impressive, considering that this development has  taken place even before the official release of QGIS 1.0.
+Des applications sophistiqu\'ees ont d\'ej\`a \'et\'e cr\'e\'ees avec PyQGIS et beaucoup sont en travaux. C'est assez impressionnant d'autant plus que ces d\'eveloppements ont eu lieu avant la sortie officielle de QGIS 1.0.
-\begin{Tip}\caption{\textsc{Documentation For PyQGIS}}
-\qgistip{Whether you are writing a plugin or a PyQGIS application, you are
-going to need to refer to both the QGIS API documentation
-(\url{http://doc.qgis.org}) and the PyQt Python Bindings Reference Guide
-(\url{http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/Docs/PyQt4/pyqt4ref.html}). These
-documents provide information about the classes and methods you'll use to
-bring your Python creation to life.
+%\begin{Tip}\caption{\textsc{Documentation For PyQGIS}}
+\begin{Tip}\caption{\textsc{Documentation sur PyQGIS}}
+%\qgistip{Whether you are writing a plugin or a PyQGIS application, you are going to need to refer to both the QGIS API documentation (\url{http://doc.qgis.org}) and the PyQt Python Bindings Reference Guide (\url{http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/Docs/PyQt4/pyqt4ref.html}). These documents provide information about the classes and methods you'll use to bring your Python creation to life.
+\qgistip{Que vous \'ecriviez une extension ou une application PyQGIS, vous allez avoir besoin de vous r\'ef\'erer \`a la fois \`a la documentation de l'API QGIS (\url{http://doc.qgis.org}) et au Guide des PyQt Python Bindings Reference (\url{http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/Docs/PyQt4/pyqt4ref.html}). Ces documents fournissent les informations n\'ecessaires sur les classes et les m\'ethodes que vous allez utiliser pour donner vie \`a vos cr\'eations Python.}

Modified: docs/branches/1.0.0/french/user_guide/plugins_decorations.tex
--- docs/branches/1.0.0/french/user_guide/plugins_decorations.tex	2009-08-09 09:43:23 UTC (rev 11294)
+++ docs/branches/1.0.0/french/user_guide/plugins_decorations.tex	2009-08-09 10:02:39 UTC (rev 11295)
@@ -1,82 +1,144 @@
 % vim: set textwidth=78 autoindent:
-\subsection{Decorations Plugins}
+%\subsection{Decorations Plugins}
+\subsection{Extensions D\'ecorations}
 % when the revision of a section has been finalized, 
 % comment out the following line:
 % \updatedisclaimer
-The Decorations Plugins includes the Copyright Label Plugin, the North 
-Arrow Plugin and the Scale Bar Plugin. They are used to ``decorate'' the 
-map by adding cartographic elements. 
+%The Decorations Plugins includes the Copyright Label Plugin, the North 
+%Arrow Plugin and the Scale Bar Plugin. They are used to ``decorate'' the 
+%map by adding cartographic elements.
+Les extensions D\'ecorations incluent les extensions Etiquette Copyright,
+Fl\`eche Nord et Echelle Graphique. Elles sont destin\'ees \`a "habiller" la carte
+en ajoutant des \'el\'ements cartographiques.
-\subsubsection{Copyright Label Plugin}
+%\subsubsection{Copyright Label Plugin}
+\subsubsection{l'extension Etiquette Copyright}
-The title of this plugin is a bit misleading - you can add any random text to the map.
+%The title of this plugin is a bit misleading - you can add any random text to the map.
+Le nom de cette extension est sujet \`a confusion : elle permet d'ajouter n'importe quelle \'etiquette de texte \`a la carte.
+%   \begin{center}
+%   \caption{Copyright Label Plugin \nixcaption}\label{fig:copyright}\smallskip
+%   \includegraphics[clip=true, width=8cm]{copyright}
-   \caption{Copyright Label Plugin \nixcaption}\label{fig:copyright}\smallskip
+   \caption{l'extension Etiquette Copyright\nixcaption}\label{fig:copyright}\smallskip
    \includegraphics[clip=true, width=8cm]{copyright}
+%\item Make sure the plugin is loaded
+%\item Click on \mainmenuopt{Plugins} > \dropmenuopt{Decorations} > \dropmenuopttwo{copyright_label}{Copyright Label} or use the \toolbtntwo{copyright_label}{Copyright Label} %button from the Toolbar.
+%\item Enter the text you want to place on the map. You can use HTML as
+%  shown in the example
+%\item Choose the placement of the label from the \selectstring{Placement}{Bottom Right} drop-down box
+%\item Make sure the \checkbox{Enable Copyright Label} checkbox is checked
+%\item Click \button{OK} 
-\item Make sure the plugin is loaded
-\item Click on \mainmenuopt{Plugins} > \dropmenuopt{Decorations} > \dropmenuopttwo{copyright_label}{Copyright Label} or use the \toolbtntwo{copyright_label}{Copyright Label} button from the Toolbar.
-\item Enter the text you want to place on the map. You can use HTML as
-  shown in the example
-\item Choose the placement of the label from the \selectstring{Placement}{Bottom Right} drop-down box
-\item Make sure the \checkbox{Enable Copyright Label} checkbox is checked
-\item Click \button{OK} 
+\item Assurez-vous que l'extension soit charg\'ee.
+\item Cliquez sur \mainmenuopt{Plugins} > \dropmenuopt{D\'ecorations} > \dropmenuopttwo{copyright_label}{Etiquette de Copyright} ou utilisez le bouton \toolbtntwo{copyright_label}{Etiquette de Copyright} dans la barre d'outils.
+\item Entrez le texte que vous souhaitez placer sur la carte. Vous pouvez utiliser le HTML, comme
+  indiqu\'e dans l'exemple.
+\item Choisissez la position de l'\'etiquette depuis la liste de choix d\'eroulant \selectstring{Placement}{Coin Inf\'erieur Droit}.
+\item Assurez-vous que la case \checkbox{Activer l'\'etiquette du copyright} soit coch\'ee.
+\item Cliquez sur \button{OK}.
-In the example above, the first line is in bold, the second (created using
-\textless br\textgreater) contains a copyright symbol, followed by our company name in
+%In the example above, the first line is in bold, the second (created using
+%\textless br\textgreater) contains a copyright symbol, followed by our company name in
+Dans l'exemple ci-dessus, la premi\`ere ligne est en gras, la seconde (cr\'e\'ee avec
+\textless br\textgreater) contient un symbole copyright, suivi par le nom de notre soci\'et\'e
+en italique.
-\subsubsection{North Arrow Plugin}
+%\subsubsection{North Arrow Plugin}
+\subsubsection{L'extension Fl\`eche Nord}
-The North Arrow plugin places a simple north arrow on the map canvas. At
-present there is only one style available. You can adjust the angle of the
-arrow or let QGIS set the direction automatically. If you choose to let
-QGIS determine the direction, it makes its best guess as to how the arrow
-should be oriented. For placement of the arrow you have four options, 
-corresponding to the four corners of the map canvas.
+%The North Arrow plugin places a simple north arrow on the map canvas. At
+%present there is only one style available. You can adjust the angle of the
+%arrow or let QGIS set the direction automatically. If you choose to let
+%QGIS determine the direction, it makes its best guess as to how the arrow
+%should be oriented. For placement of the arrow you have four options, 
+%corresponding to the four corners of the map canvas.
+L'extension Fl\`eche Nord place une simple rose des vents sur la carte. Un seul
+style est disponible pour le moment. Vous pouvez ajuster l'angle de la fl\`eche 
+ou laisser QGIS d\'eterminer automatiquement la direction. Si vous faites ce 
+dernier choix, QGIS essaiera de calculer la meilleure orientation de la fl\`eche.
+Quatre options sont disponibles pour la position de la fl\`eche, qui correspondent
+au quatre coins de la fen\^etre carte.
+%   \begin{center}
+%   \caption{North Arrow Plugin \nixcaption}\label{fig:north_arrow}\smallskip
+%   \includegraphics[clip=true, width=8cm]{north_arrow_dialog}
-   \caption{North Arrow Plugin \nixcaption}\label{fig:north_arrow}\smallskip
+   \caption{L'extension Fl\`eche Nord \nixcaption}\label{fig:north_arrow}\smallskip
    \includegraphics[clip=true, width=8cm]{north_arrow_dialog}
-\subsubsection{Scale Bar Plugin}
-The Scale Bar plugin adds a simple scale bar to the map canvas. You
-control the style and placement, as well as the labeling of the bar. 
+%\subsubsection{Scale Bar Plugin}
+%The Scale Bar plugin adds a simple scale bar to the map canvas. You
+%control the style and placement, as well as the labeling of the bar.
+\subsubsection{L'extension \'Echelle Graphique}
+L'extension \'Echelle Graphique ajoute une simple \'echelle graphique \`a la carte.
+Vous pouvez contr\^oler le style et la position, ainsi que l'\'etiquetage de l'\'echelle.
-QGIS only supports displaying the scale in the same units as your map frame. So
-if the units of your layers are in meters, you can't create a scale bar in
-feet. Likewise if you are using decimal degrees, you can't create a scale
-bar to display distance in meters.
+%QGIS only supports displaying the scale in the same units as your map frame. So
+%if the units of your layers are in meters, you can't create a scale bar in
+%feet. Likewise if you are using decimal degrees, you can't create a scale
+%bar to display distance in meters.
+L'\'echelle ne peut afficher que les m\^emes unit\'es que celles de votre fen\^etre carte.
+Si les unit\'es des couches sont en m\`etres, vous ne pourrez pas cr\'eer une \'echelle en
+pieds. De la m\^eme mani\`ere, si vous utilisez les degr\'es d\'ecimaux, vous ne pourrez 
+pas cr\'eer une \'echelle en m\`etres.
-To add a scale bar:
+%To add a scale bar:
+Pour ajouter une \'echelle graphique :
+%\item Click on \mainmenuopt{Plugins} > \dropmenuopt{Decorations} > \dropmenuopttwo{scale_bar}{Scale Bar} or use the \toolbtntwo{scale_bar}{Scale Bar} button from the Toolbar.
+%\item Choose the placement from the \selectstring{Placement}{Bottom Left} drop-down list
+%\item Choose the style from the \selectstring{Scale bar style}{Tick Down} list
+%\item Select the color for the bar \selectcolor{Color of bar}{black} or use the default black color
+%\item Set the size of the bar and its label \selectnumber{Size of bar}{30 degrees}
+%\item Make sure the \checkbox{Enable scale bar} checkbox is checked
+%\item Optionally choose to automatically snap to a round number when the
+%  canvas is resized \checkbox{Automatically snap to round number on resize}
+%\item Click \button{OK} 
-\item Click on \mainmenuopt{Plugins} > \dropmenuopt{Decorations} > \dropmenuopttwo{scale_bar}{Scale Bar} or use the \toolbtntwo{scale_bar}{Scale Bar} button from the Toolbar.
-\item Choose the placement from the \selectstring{Placement}{Bottom Left} drop-down list
-\item Choose the style from the \selectstring{Scale bar style}{Tick Down} list
-\item Select the color for the bar \selectcolor{Color of bar}{black} or use the default black color
-\item Set the size of the bar and its label \selectnumber{Size of bar}{30 degrees}
-\item Make sure the \checkbox{Enable scale bar} checkbox is checked
-\item Optionally choose to automatically snap to a round number when the
-  canvas is resized \checkbox{Automatically snap to round number on resize}
-\item Click \button{OK} 
+\item Cliquez sur \mainmenuopt{Plugins} > \dropmenuopt{Decorations} > \dropmenuopttwo{scale_bar}{Echelle graphique} ou sur le bouton \toolbtntwo{scale_bar}{Echelle graphique}  de la barre d'outils.
+\item Choisissez la position depuis la liste de choix d\'eroulant \selectstring{Placement}{Coin Inf\'erieur Gauche}.
+\item Choisissez le style depuis la liste de choix d\'eroulant \selectstring{Scale bar style}{Marquage Inf\'erieur}.
+\item Choisissez la couleur de l'\'echelle \selectcolor{Color of bar}{black} ou utilisez le noir par d\'efaut.
+\item Choisissez la taille et l'\'etiquette de l'\'echelle \selectnumber{Size of bar}{30 degr\'es}.
+\item Assurez-vous que la case \checkbox{Activer l'\'echelle graphique} soit coch\'ee.
+\item Vous pouvez choisir optionnellement d'arrondir automatiquement -l'\'echelle
+ \`a chaque changement de niveau de zoom \checkbox{Arrondir automatiquement lors du changement de zoom}
+\item Cliquez sur \button{OK}.
+%   \begin{center}
+%   \caption{Scale Bar Plugin \nixcaption}\label{fig:scale_bar}\smallskip
+%   \includegraphics[clip=true, width=8cm]{scale_bar_dialog}
-   \caption{Scale Bar Plugin \nixcaption}\label{fig:scale_bar}\smallskip
+   \caption{L'extension \'echelle graphique \nixcaption}\label{fig:scale_bar}\smallskip
    \includegraphics[clip=true, width=8cm]{scale_bar_dialog}

Modified: docs/branches/1.0.0/french/user_guide/plugins_delimited_text.tex
--- docs/branches/1.0.0/french/user_guide/plugins_delimited_text.tex	2009-08-09 09:43:23 UTC (rev 11294)
+++ docs/branches/1.0.0/french/user_guide/plugins_delimited_text.tex	2009-08-09 10:02:39 UTC (rev 11295)
@@ -6,20 +6,30 @@
 % comment out the following line:
-The Delimited Text plugin allows you to load a delimited text file as a layer in QGIS. 
+%The Delimited Text plugin allows you to load a delimited text file as a layer in QGIS.
+L'extension Fichier texte d\'elimit\'e permet de charger un fichier texte d\'elimit\'e comme couche dans QGIS.
-To view a delimited text file as layer, the text file must contain:
+%To view a delimited text file as layer, the text file must contain:
+Pour afficher un fichier texte d\'elimit\'e comme couche, le fichier texte doit contenir :
+% \begin{enumerate}      
+% \item A delimited header row of field names. This must be the first line in the text file.
+% \item The header row must contain an X and Y field. These fields can have any name.
+% \item The x and y coordinates must be specified as a number. The coordinate system is not important.
+% \end{enumerate}
-\item A delimited header row of field names. This must be the first line in the text file.
-\item The header row must contain an X and Y field. These fields can have any name.
-\item The x and y coordinates must be specified as a number. The coordinate system is not important.
+\item Une ligne d'ent\^ete d\'elimit\'ee avec les noms de champs. Cette ligne doit \^etre la premi\`ere du fichier texte.
+\item La ligne d'ent\^ete doit contenir des champs X et Y. Ces champs peuvent avoir n'importe quel nom.
+\item Les coordonn\'ees X et Y doivent \^etre de type num\'erique. Le syst\`eme de coordonn\'ees n'est pas important.
-As an example of a valid text file we import the elevation point data file 
-\filename{elevp.csv} coming with the QGIS sample dataset (See Section~\ref{label_sampledata}):
+%As an example of a valid text file we import the elevation point data file 
+%\filename{elevp.csv} coming with the QGIS sample dataset (See Section~\ref{label_sampledata}):
+Comme exemple de fichier texte valide, nous pouvons importer le fichier de points d'\'el\'evation
+\filename{elevp.csv} fourni avec le jeu de donn\'ees \'echantillon de QGIS (Voir Section~\ref{label_sampledata}) :
@@ -29,26 +39,44 @@
-Some items of note about the text file are:
+% Some items of note about the text file are:
+On notera les points suivants \`a propos du fichier texte :
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item The example text file uses \mbox{$;$} as delimiter. Any character can be used to delimit the fields.
+% \item The first row is the header row. It contains the fields X, Y and ELEV.
+% \item No quotes ({\tt{}"{}}) are used to delimit text fields.
+% \item The x coordinates are contained in the {\em X} field.
+% \item The y coordinates are contained in the {\em Y} field.
+% \end{enumerate}
-\item The example text file uses \mbox{$;$} as delimiter. Any character can be used to delimit the fields.
-\item The first row is the header row. It contains the fields X, Y and ELEV.
-\item No quotes ({\tt{}"{}}) are used to delimit text fields.
-\item The x coordinates are contained in the {\em X} field.
-\item The y coordinates are contained in the {\em Y} field.
+\item Le fichier texte d'exemple utilise \mbox{$;$} comme d\'elimiteur. N'importe quel caract\`ere peut \^etre utilis\'e pour d\'elimiter les champs.
+\item La premi\`ere ligne est la ligne d'ent\^ete. Elle contient les champs X, Y et ELEV.
+\item Les guillemets ({\tt{}"{}}) ne peuvent pas \^etre utilis\'es pour d\'elimiter les champs de texte.
+\item les coordonn\'ees x sont inclues dans le champ {\em X}.
+\item les coordonn\'ees y sont inclues dans le champ {\em Y}.
-\minisec{Using the Plugin}
-To use the plugin you must have QGIS running and use the Plugin Manager to load the plugin:
+% \minisec{Using the Plugin}
+% To use the plugin you must have QGIS running and use the Plugin Manager to load the plugin:
+\minisec{Utilisation de l'extension}
+Pour utiliser l'extension, QGIS doit \^etre lanc\'e. Utilisez le Gestionnaire d'extensions pour charger l'extension : 
-Start QGIS, then open the Plugin Manager by choosing \mainmenuopt{Plugins} > \dropmenuopttwo{mActionShowPluginManager}{Plugin Manager...}
-The Plugin Manager displays a list of available plugins.
-Those that are already loaded have a check mark to the left of their name.
-Click on the checkbox to the left of the \checkbox{Add Delimited Text Layer} plugin and click \button{OK} to load it as described in Section \ref{sec:managing_plugins}.
+% Start QGIS, then open the Plugin Manager by choosing \mainmenuopt{Plugins} > \dropmenuopttwo{mActionShowPluginManager}{Plugin Manager...}
+D\'emarrez QGIS, puis ouvrez le gestionnaire d'extensions en cliquant sur \mainmenuopt{Plugins} > \dropmenuopttwo{mActionShowPluginManager}{Gestionnaire d'extensions...}
-Click the new toolbar icon \toolbtntwo{delimited_text}{Add Delimited Text Layer} to open the Delimited Text dialog as shown in Figure
+% \index{plugins!manager}
+% The Plugin Manager displays a list of available plugins.
+% Those that are already loaded have a check mark to the left of their name.
+% Click on the checkbox to the left of the \checkbox{Add Delimited Text Layer} plugin and click \button{OK} to load it as described in Section \ref{sec:managing_plugins}.
+Le gestionnaire d'extension affiche une liste des extensions disponibles.
+Celles qui sont d\'ej\`a charg\'ees sont coch\'ees en d\'ebut de ligne.
+Cochez la case de l'extension \checkbox{Add Delimited Text Layer} et cliquez sur \button{OK} pour charger l'extension comme indiqu\'e dans la Section \ref{sec:managing_plugins}.
+% Click the new toolbar icon \toolbtntwo{delimited_text}{Add Delimited Text Layer} to open the Delimited Text dialog as shown in Figure
+% \ref{fig:delim_text_plugin_dialog}.
+Cliquez sur la nouvelle ic\^one de la barre d'outils \toolbtntwo{delimited_text}{Ajoutez un fichier texte d\'elimit\'e} pour ouvrir la bo\^ite de dialogue Texte D\'elimit\'e comme indiqu\'e dans la Figure 
@@ -58,13 +86,21 @@
-First select the file \filename{qgis\_sample\_data/csv/elevp.csv} to import by clicking 
-on the \button{Browse} button. Once the file is selected, the plugin attempts to parse the file 
-using the last used delimiter, in this case \mbox{$;$}. To properly parse the file, it 
-is important to select the correct delimiter. To change the delimiter to tab use 
-\mbox{$\backslash$}t (this is a regular expression for the tab character).
-After changing the delimiter, click \button{Parse}.
+% First select the file \filename{qgis\_sample\_data/csv/elevp.csv} to import by clicking 
+% on the \button{Browse} button. Once the file is selected, the plugin attempts to parse the file 
+% using the last used delimiter, in this case \mbox{$;$}. To properly parse the file, it 
+% is important to select the correct delimiter. To change the delimiter to tab use 
+% \mbox{$\backslash$}t (this is a regular expression for the tab character).
+% After changing the delimiter, click \button{Parse}.
+S\'electionnez d'abord le fichier \filename{qgis\_sample\_data/csv/elevp.csv} \`a importer en cliquant
+sur le bouton \button{Browse}. Une fois que le fichier est s\'electionn\'e, l'extension va tenter d'analyser le fichier
+en utilisant le dernier d\'elimiteur utilis\'e, en l'occurrence \mbox{$;$}. Pour analyser correctement le fichier, il 
+est important de s\'electionner le bon d\'elimiteur. Pour changer le d\'elimiteur en tab, 
+utilisez \mbox{$\backslash$}t (expression habituelle du caract\`ere tab).
+Apr\`es avoir chang\'e le d\'elimiteur, Cliquez sur \button{analyser}.
-Choose the X and Y fields from the drop down boxes and enter a Layer name \filename{elevp} 
-as shown in Figure \ref{fig:delim_text_plugin_dialog}. To add the layer to the map, click 
-\button{Add Layer}. The delimited text file now behaves as any other map layer in QGIS.
+% Choose the X and Y fields from the drop down boxes and enter a Layer name \filename{elevp} 
+% as shown in Figure \ref{fig:delim_text_plugin_dialog}. To add the layer to the map, click 
+% \button{Add Layer}. The delimited text file now behaves as any other map layer in QGIS.
+Choisissez les champs X et Y depuis les listes d\'eroulantes et entrez un nom de couche (par exemple \filename{elevp}) comme indiqu\'e dans la Figure \ref{fig:delim_text_plugin_dialog}. Pour ajouter la couche \`a la carte, cliquez sur \button{Add Layer}. Le fichier texte d\'elimit\'e se comporte maintenant comme n'importe quel autre calque dans QGIS.

Modified: docs/branches/1.0.0/french/user_guide/plugins_dxf2shape_converter.tex
--- docs/branches/1.0.0/french/user_guide/plugins_dxf2shape_converter.tex	2009-08-09 09:43:23 UTC (rev 11294)
+++ docs/branches/1.0.0/french/user_guide/plugins_dxf2shape_converter.tex	2009-08-09 10:02:39 UTC (rev 11295)
@@ -1,39 +1,60 @@
 % vim: set textwidth=78 autoindent:
 \subsection{Dxf2Shp Converter Plugin}
+\subsection{Extension de conversion Dxf2Shp}
 % when the revision of a section has been finalized, 
 % comment out the following line:
-The dxf2shape converter plugin allows to convert vector data from DXF to Shapefile 
-format. It is very simple to handle and provides following functionality as 
-shown in Figure \ref{fig:dxf2shape_dialog}.
+% The dxf2shape converter plugin allows to convert vector data from DXF to Shapefile 
+% format. It is very simple to handle and provides following functionality as 
+% shown in Figure \ref{fig:dxf2shape_dialog}.
+L'extension de conversion Dxf2Shp permet de convertir des donn\'ees vectorielles du format DXF au format shapefile (SHP).
+Tr\`es facile \`a utiliser, elle pr\'esente les fonctionnalit\'es pr\'esent\'ees dans la Figure \ref{fig:dxf2shape_dialog}).
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item \textbf{Input DXF file}: Enter path to the DXF file to be converted
+% \item \textbf{Output Shp file}: Enter desired name of the shape file to be created
+% \item \textbf{Output file type}: specifies the type of the output Shapefile. Currently supported is polyline, polygone and point.
+% \item \textbf{Export text labels}: If you enable this checkbox, an additional Shapefile points layer will be created, and the associated dbf table will contain information about the "TEXT" fields found in the dxf file, and the text strings themselves.
+% \end{itemize}
-\item \textbf{Input DXF file}: Enter path to the DXF file to be converted
-\item \textbf{Output Shp file}: Enter desired name of the shape file to be created
-\item \textbf{Output file type}: specifies the type of the output Shapefile. Currently supported is polyline, polygone and point.
-\item \textbf{Export text labels}: If you enable this checkbox, an additional Shapefile points layer will be created, and the associated dbf table will contain information about the "TEXT" fields found in the dxf file, and the text strings themselves.
+\item \textbf{Fichier DXF} : Entrez l'adresse du fichier DXF \`a convertir.
+\item \textbf{Fichier SHP de sortie}: Entrez le nom souhait\'e du fichier shape \`a cr\'eer.
+\item \textbf{Type de fichier de sortie}: Sp\'ecifiez le type du fichier shape. Les formats impl\'ement\'es pour le moment sont polyligne, polygone et point.
+\item \textbf{Exporter les \'etiquettes} : Si vous cochez cette case, une couche suppl\'ementaire sera cr\'e\'ee (points), et la table dbf associ\'ee contiendra des informations \`a propos des champs "TEXT" trouv\'es dans le fichier DXF, et les cha\^ines de caract\`eres elles-m\^emes.
+% \begin{figure}[ht]
+   % \begin{center}
+   % \caption{Dxf2Shape Converter Plugin \nixcaption}\label{fig:dxf2shape_dialog}\smallskip
+   % \includegraphics[clip=true, width=13cm]{dxf2shape_dialog}
+% \end{center}  
+% \end{figure}
-   \caption{Dxf2Shape Converter Plugin \nixcaption}\label{fig:dxf2shape_dialog}\smallskip
+   \caption{Le convertisseur Dxf2Shp\nixcaption}\label{fig:dxf2shape_dialog}\smallskip
    \includegraphics[clip=true, width=13cm]{dxf2shape_dialog}
+% \begin{enumerate}
+  % \item Start QGIS, load the Dxf2Shape plugin in the Plugin Manager (see Section 
+  % \ref{sec:load_core_plugin}) and click on the \toolbtntwo{dxf2shp_converter}{Dxf2Shape Converter} 
+  % icon which appears in the QGIS toolbar menu. The Dxf2Shape plugin dialog appears as shown in Figure \ref{fig:dxf2shape_dialog}.
+  % \item Enter input DXF file, a name for the output Shapefile and the Shapefile type.
+  % \item Enable the \checkbox{Export text labels} checkbox, if you want to create an extra point layer with labels.
+  % \item Click \button{Ok}. 
+% \end{enumerate}
-  \item Start QGIS, load the Dxf2Shape plugin in the Plugin Manager (see Section 
-  \ref{sec:load_core_plugin}) and click on the \toolbtntwo{dxf2shp_converter}{Dxf2Shape Converter} 
-  icon which appears in the QGIS toolbar menu. The Dxf2Shape plugin dialog appears as shown in Figure \ref{fig:dxf2shape_dialog}.
-  \item Enter input DXF file, a name for the output Shapefile and the Shapefile type.
-  \item Enable the \checkbox{Export text labels} checkbox, if you want to create an extra point layer with labels.
-  \item Click \button{Ok}. 
+  \item D\'emarrez QGIS, chargez l'extension Dxf2Shp dans le gestionnaire d'extensions (voir la Section 
+  \ref{sec:load_core_plugin}) et cliquez sur l'ic\^one \toolbtntwo{dxf2shp_converter}{Convertisseur Dxf2Shp} 
+  qui apparait dans les barres d'outils de QGIS. La bo\^ite de dialogue de l'extension Dxf2Shp appara\^it, comme indiqu\'e dans la Figure 
+  \ref{fig:dxf2shape_dialog}.
+  \item Entrez le fichier d'origine DXF, choisissez un nom pour le fichier SHP de sortie et le type de fichier shape.
+  \item Cochez la case \checkbox{Exporter les \'etiquettes}, si vous souhaitez cr\'eer une couche suppl\'ementaire comprenant les \'etiquettes.
+  \item Cliquez sur \button{Ok}. 
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: docs/branches/1.0.0/french/user_guide/user_guide.tex
--- docs/branches/1.0.0/french/user_guide/user_guide.tex	2009-08-09 09:43:23 UTC (rev 11294)
+++ docs/branches/1.0.0/french/user_guide/user_guide.tex	2009-08-09 10:02:39 UTC (rev 11295)
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
+\include{conventions} % Pas relu
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
 \include{plugins_coordinate_capture} % Corrompus
-\include{plugins_decorations} % Pas fini
-\include{plugins_delimited_text }% Pas fini
-\include{plugins_dxf2shape_converter} % Pas fini
@@ -46,17 +46,17 @@
 %end of plugin docs
-\include{creating_cpp_applications} % Pas fini
-\include{creating_pyqgis_applications} % Pas fini
-\include{appendices/supported_data_formats} % Pas fini
-\include{appendices/grass_toolbox_modules} % Pas fini
 %install guide is a special case because we are extracting it
 %out of the INSTALL.t2t document of in the QGIS sources
 %when we tag a new document release
+\include{install} % Pas relu
 \include{coding} % Pas fini

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