[QGIS Commit] r12478 - trunk/qgis/resources/context_help

svn_qgis at osgeo.org svn_qgis at osgeo.org
Tue Dec 15 13:59:17 EST 2009

Author: borysiasty
Date: 2009-12-15 13:59:17 -0500 (Tue, 15 Dec 2009)
New Revision: 12478

Context help for the Plugin Installer

Added: trunk/qgis/resources/context_help/QgsPluginInstallerDialog-en_US
--- trunk/qgis/resources/context_help/QgsPluginInstallerDialog-en_US	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/qgis/resources/context_help/QgsPluginInstallerDialog-en_US	2009-12-15 18:59:17 UTC (rev 12478)
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+<h3>Python Plugin Installer</h3>
+Downloads and installs plugins from remote repositories.
+<a href="#pltab">Plugins tab</a><br/>
+<a href="#retab">Repositories tab</a><br/>
+<a href="#optab">Options tab</a><br/>
+<a name="pltab">
+<h4>Plugins tab</h4>
+<p align='justify'>
+The <label>Plugins</label> tab contains a list of all locally installed Python plugins, as well as plugins available in
+remote repositories. Each plugin can be either:
+<li> not installed - this means the plugin is available in the repository, but is not installed yet. In
+order to install it, select the plugin from the list and click the <label>Install plugin</label> button.</li>
+<li> new - this means that the plugin is newly available in the repository.</li>
+<li> installed - this indicates that the plugin is already installed. If it is also available in any repository
+the <label>Reinstall plugin</label> button will be enabled. If the available version is older than the installed
+version, the <label>Downgrade plugin</label> button will appear instead.</li>
+<li> upgradeable - this means that the plugin is installed, but there is an updated version available. 
+In this case, the <label>Upgrade plugin</label> button will be enabled.</li>
+<li> invalid - this means that the plugin is installed, but is unavailable or broken. The reason will be
+explained in the plugin description field.</li>
+To install a plugin, select it from the list and click the <label>Install plugin</label> button. The plugin is installed in its own directory in:
+<table border=1>
+<tr><td>OS</td><td>system plugins</td><td>plugins installed by user</td></tr>
+<tr><td>Linux and other unices</td><td>./share/qgis/python/plugins</td><td>/home/$USERNAME/.qgis/python/plugins</td></tr>
+<tr><td>Mac OS X</td><td>./Contents/MacOS/share/qgis/python/plugins</td><td>/Users/$USERNAME/.qgis/python/plugins</td></tr>
+<tr><td>Windows</td><td>C:\Program Files\QGIS\python\plugins</td><td>C:\Documents and Settings\$USERNAME\.qgis\python\plugins</td></tr>
+<p align='justify'>
+If the installation is successful, a confirmation message will appear. The plugin is ready to use.
+<p align='justify'>
+If the installation fails, the reason for the failure will be displayed in a warning dialog. Most often,
+errors are the result of connection problems and/or missing Python modules. In the former case you
+will likely need to wait before trying the install again, in the latter case, you should install the missing
+modules relevant to your operating system prior to using the plugin. For Linux, most required
+modules should be available via a package manager. For install instructions in Windows visit the
+module home page. If you are using a proxy, you may need to configure it under <label>Edit</label> > <label>Options</label>
+(Gnome, OSX) or <label>Settings</label> > <label>Options</label> (KDE, Windows) on the <label>Proxy</label> tab.
+<p align='justify'>
+The <label>Uninstall plugin</label> button is enabled only if the selected plugin is installed and is not a core
+plugin. Note that if you have installed an update to a core plugin, you can uninstall this update
+with the <label>Uninstall plugin</label> and revert to the version shipped with Quantum GIS. This default version
+however, cannot be uninstalled.
+<a name="retab">
+<h4>Repositories tab</h4>
+<p align='justify'>
+The second tab <label>Repositories</label>, contains a list of plugin repositories available for the Plugin
+Installer. By default, only the QGIS Official Repository is enabled. You can add several user-
+contributed repositories, including the central QGIS Contributed Repository and other external repos-
+itories by clicking the <label>Add 3rd party repositories</label> button. The added repositories contain a large
+number of useful plugins which are not maintained by the QGIS Development Team. As such, we
+cannot take any responsibility for them. You can also manage the repository list manually, that is add,
+remove, and edit the entries. Temporarily disabling a particular repository is possible by clicking the
+<label>Edit...</label> button.
+<a name="optab">
+<h4>Options tab</h4>
+<p align='justify'>
+The <label>Options</label> tab is where you can configure the settings of the Plugin Installer. 
+The <label>x Check for updates on startup</label> checkbox tells QGIS to automatically look for plugin updates and
+news. By default, if this feature is enabled all repositories listed and enabled in the <label>Repositories</label>
+tab are checked for updates each time the program is started. The frequency of update checking
+can be adjusted using the dropdown menu, and may be adjusted from once a day right up to once a
+month. If a new plugin or update is available for one of the installed plugins, a notification will appear
+in the Status Bar. If the checkbox is disabled, looking for updates and news is performed only when
+the Plugin Installer is manually launched from the menu.
+<p align='justify'>
+Some internet connections will cause problems when attempting to automatically check for updates.
+In these cases, a <i>Looking for new plugins...</i> indicator will remain visible in the Status Bar during your
+entire QGIS session, and may cause a program crash when exiting. In this case please disable the
+In addition, you may specify the type of plugins that are displayed by the Plugin Installer. Under
+<i>Allowed plugins</i>, you can specify whether you would like to:
+<li> Only show plugins from the official repository</li>
+<li> Show all plugins except those marked as experimental,</li>
+<li> or Show all plugins, even those marked as experimental.</li>
+<table border=1 width='95%' align='center'><tr><td>
+Note: Experimental plugins are generally unsuitable for production use. These plugins are in the early stages of
+development, and should be considered ’incomplete’ or ’proof of concept’ tools. The QGIS development team
+does not recommend installing these plugins unless you intend to use them for testing purposes.

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