[work] [Qgis-community-team] Planning for QGIS 1.0.0 '????'

Tim Sutton tim at linfiniti.com
Fri Jul 25 17:46:49 EDT 2008


This was discussed as a follow up to the recent 'QGIS 0.11.0 feature
freeze' thread (http://www.nabble.com/QGIS-0.11.0-feature-freeze-td17855254.html).
Tom followed up this thread suggesting that we really need to address
some deficiencies in the menuing layout for 1.0 too

In general I think the repurcussions for document writers should be
low - reading the above thread should give you a better indication.
The main areas I know of that will affect you are the composer,
labelling and grass revision. I am getting my GRASS revisions done as
a priority in order to give you the maximum amount of time to
accommodate the changes (which mainly consist of placing grass tools
and shell in dock windows).



2008/7/25 Tara Athan <tara_athan at alt2is.com>:
> Tim - what is meant by the item "menu overhaul."  We are starting to update
> the manual to be consistent with 0.11, under the assumption that the GUI
> would not change much between 0.11 and 1.0. Is this assumption incorrect?
> Tara
> Tim Sutton wrote:
>> Hi all
>> With the release of 0.11.0 mostly behind us, here is the abridged
>> proposed timeline for releasing 1.0.0:
>> Three weeks before - feature freeze  : 25 August 2008
>> Two weeks before - call for translations : 1 September 2008
>> One week before - branch & call for packaging : 8 September 2008
>> Day of release : 15 September 2008
>> Please note that as always with a release events may cause delays in
>> the release program, so consider these dates a working guide, not a
>> contract cast in stone.
>> Focus for the release (that I am aware of):
>>  - complete port to Qt4 and remove Qt3Support dependencies (pretty
>> much just GRASS) - Tim (may need help for the raster calculator)
>>  - rewrite of labelling - Martin???
>>  - merge of map composer branch - Marco
>>  - menu overhaul - Tom
>>  - final checkthrough of core and gui API
>>  - merge of generica database access - Godofrodo (is this still on the
>> table for 1.0?)
>>  - complete update and editorial review of user manual (community team)
>>  - complete update of QGIS web site (community team - is this doable
>> to coincide with 1.0?)
>>  - anything else (other than obviously bug fixing)??
>> In between getting 1.0.0 we shall try to make a 0.11.1 bugfix release
>> in the coming week or two, mainly to merge in any 'missed the boat'
>> fixes from the 0.11.0 release.
>> I have set up a new release checklist for 1.0.0 here:
>> http://wiki.qgis.org/qgiswiki/ReleaseChecklist1.0 - I encourage you to
>> subscribe to that page if you would like to keep informed on the
>> release program progress.
>> Finally please note that the above url is using the new colour coded
>> checklist - I've assigned various task to various people - please take
>> a look there and let me know if you have any issue with the things I
>> put your name against. This applies to  Tim Sutton, Marco Hugentobler,
>> Otto Dassau, Anne Ghisla, Richard Duivenvoorde, Maning, Paolo
>> Cavallini, Release team all
>> Best regards and happy hacking!
> --
> My e-mail delivery has been unreliable lately, so I am asking for
> return receipts from all my email messages.
> OK'ing the return receipt lets me know that my message was delivered.
> Thank you.
> Tara Athan
> Principal, Alternatives to Invasive Species
> tara_athan [AT] alt2is.com
> 707-485-1198
> PO Box 415
> Redwood Valley, CA 95470
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Tim Sutton
QGIS Project Steering Committee Member - Release Manager
Visit http://qgis.org for a great open source GIS
Blog: http://tim.linfiniti.com
Skype: timlinux
Irc: timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net

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