[work] [Qgis-community-team] Planning for QGIS 1.0.0 '????'

Tara Athan tara_athan at alt2is.com
Fri Jul 25 22:33:29 EDT 2008

Tim & Tom - Let me see if I have this straight
1. items currently in the dropdown menus will probably not be moved to 
different menus, although the order in which they appear might change
2. tools currently in the toolbars may be moved to different toolbars, 
and the order may change
3. new items may appear in the dropdown menus that currently are only 
tools or context menu items
4. a new menu, the Window menu will be added
5. another new menu, the Edit menu will be added

We are trying to be more explicit in the user guide,  by giving the 
precise sequence of user actions, and all options for doing it (such as 
menu, tool icon, context menu, shortcut). Also I think it is best if we 
specify in the guide which toolbar a tool is on, so that if someone has 
docked their toolbars in various places or turned some off, they know 
where to look (there are a lot of icons!). So this seems like a very 
significant shake-up to me, in terms of the effort required to update 
from a v0.11 compatible user guide to a v1.0 compatible user guide.

I am searching for a way for us to move forward on some of the user 
guide updates without having to redo work after the GUI freeze- we just 
don't have the man/womanpower to do it.

Here's a thought - if Tom can give us a GUI design, we can write the 
user guide to the design rather than the implementation. Then there is 
less pressure on implementers to get things done quickly and less 
pressure on document writers to do all the writing at the last minute. 
If there are changes in the GUI design, we will know exactly where to go 
to modify the user guide, rather than having to make a full sweep 
through the guide.

Does this seem possible?


Tim Sutton wrote:
> Hi
> This was discussed as a follow up to the recent 'QGIS 0.11.0 feature
> freeze' thread (http://www.nabble.com/QGIS-0.11.0-feature-freeze-td17855254.html).
> Tom followed up this thread suggesting that we really need to address
> some deficiencies in the menuing layout for 1.0 too
> (http://www.nabble.com/Better-Menus-for-QGIS-1.0-td18189274.html).
> In general I think the repurcussions for document writers should be
> low - reading the above thread should give you a better indication.
> The main areas I know of that will affect you are the composer,
> labelling and grass revision. I am getting my GRASS revisions done as
> a priority in order to give you the maximum amount of time to
> accommodate the changes (which mainly consist of placing grass tools
> and shell in dock windows).
> Regards
> Tim
> 2008/7/25 Tara Athan <tara_athan at alt2is.com>:
>> Tim - what is meant by the item "menu overhaul."  We are starting to update
>> the manual to be consistent with 0.11, under the assumption that the GUI
>> would not change much between 0.11 and 1.0. Is this assumption incorrect?
>> Tara
>> Tim Sutton wrote:
>>> Hi all
>>> With the release of 0.11.0 mostly behind us, here is the abridged
>>> proposed timeline for releasing 1.0.0:
>>> Three weeks before - feature freeze  : 25 August 2008
>>> Two weeks before - call for translations : 1 September 2008
>>> One week before - branch & call for packaging : 8 September 2008
>>> Day of release : 15 September 2008
>>> Please note that as always with a release events may cause delays in
>>> the release program, so consider these dates a working guide, not a
>>> contract cast in stone.
>>> Focus for the release (that I am aware of):
>>>  - complete port to Qt4 and remove Qt3Support dependencies (pretty
>>> much just GRASS) - Tim (may need help for the raster calculator)
>>>  - rewrite of labelling - Martin???
>>>  - merge of map composer branch - Marco
>>>  - menu overhaul - Tom
>>>  - final checkthrough of core and gui API
>>>  - merge of generica database access - Godofrodo (is this still on the
>>> table for 1.0?)
>>>  - complete update and editorial review of user manual (community team)
>>>  - complete update of QGIS web site (community team - is this doable
>>> to coincide with 1.0?)
>>>  - anything else (other than obviously bug fixing)??
>>> In between getting 1.0.0 we shall try to make a 0.11.1 bugfix release
>>> in the coming week or two, mainly to merge in any 'missed the boat'
>>> fixes from the 0.11.0 release.
>>> I have set up a new release checklist for 1.0.0 here:
>>> http://wiki.qgis.org/qgiswiki/ReleaseChecklist1.0 - I encourage you to
>>> subscribe to that page if you would like to keep informed on the
>>> release program progress.
>>> Finally please note that the above url is using the new colour coded
>>> checklist - I've assigned various task to various people - please take
>>> a look there and let me know if you have any issue with the things I
>>> put your name against. This applies to  Tim Sutton, Marco Hugentobler,
>>> Otto Dassau, Anne Ghisla, Richard Duivenvoorde, Maning, Paolo
>>> Cavallini, Release team all
>>> Best regards and happy hacking!
>> --
>> My e-mail delivery has been unreliable lately, so I am asking for
>> return receipts from all my email messages.
>> OK'ing the return receipt lets me know that my message was delivered.
>> Thank you.
>> Tara Athan
>> Principal, Alternatives to Invasive Species
>> tara_athan [AT] alt2is.com
>> 707-485-1198
>> PO Box 415
>> Redwood Valley, CA 95470
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My e-mail delivery has been unreliable lately, so I am asking for
return receipts from all my email messages.
OK'ing the return receipt lets me know that my message was delivered.
Thank you.

Tara Athan
Principal, Alternatives to Invasive Species
tara_athan [AT] alt2is.com
PO Box 415
Redwood Valley, CA 95470

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