[Qgis-community-team] Re: Plugin icons
Tara Athan
tara_athan at alt2is.com
Sun Jul 27 20:55:32 EDT 2008
Tim - can we at least require something like this for any new plugins so
we don't make the problem bigger than it is?
I think we need to recognize at some point that not having an up-to-date
user guide is damaging to the usability and thus the acceptance of QGIS,
and put some efforts into making the update process smoother and more
Tim Sutton wrote:
> Hi Tara
> My apologies for the delayed reply. In principle I agree we need a
> better scheme for naming resources. However changing this scheme now
> will require quite sweeping changes through the code. Time is short
> and there are many many things to sort out for 1.0 so I would prefer
> to address it in version 2.0 - when I plan to use .svg icons
> throughout anyway. If you can cope with the somewhat mishmash way
> things are organised at the moment we can revisit this in the next gen
> QGIS. If it is really too problematic, I'll see if I can implement
> some of your suggestions.
> Regards
> Tim
> 2008/7/27 Tara Athan <tara_athan at alt2is.com>:
>> Plugin icons have been committed and all the makefiles updated. I am not
>> happy with the naming confusion of the plugin icons, but wherever possible I
>> left the name of the image file the same as the one that appears in the code
>> source tree. The exception is in the plugins_decorations_images folder,
>> where I changed the names of the icon.png files to copyrighticon.png,
>> northarrowicon.png and so on to avoid conflict. If we are going to have
>> consistency in the plugin icon names, it should first happen in the code
>> source and be propagated to the documentation, so this is what we are stuck
>> with for now.
>> So for now, my assessment of user guide status is:
>> we are waiting for the GUI design from Tom, then we can get moving on the
>> writing.
>> Werner can still work on incorporating the macros into the existing latex;
>> Tara can still review the changes made by everyone else;
>> Everyone can still ask around for additional help on the user guide
>> ...
>> Anything else?
>> Tara
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Tara Athan
Principal, Alternatives to Invasive Species
tara_athan [AT] alt2is.com
PO Box 415
Redwood Valley, CA 95470
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