[Qgis-community-team] Some problems with the albanian localization

Paolo L. Scala scala at itc.cnr.it
Fri Oct 10 05:57:21 EDT 2008

Hi all!
While testing the albanian localization, I found some strings that 
couldn't be translate, e.g.:
Menu>Options>General>"Warn me when a project..."
Is it a problem related to the QGIS source code, or something's wrong 
with the .ts file?


Paolo L. Scala
Software developer
Istituto per le Tecnologie della Costruzione - CNR
via Bassini 15 - 20133 MILANO
tel.+39 02 23699547
fax.+39 02 23699543
.:: http://www.paoloscala.net ::.

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