[Qgis-community-team] Status of documentwriters - IRC-meeting?
Stephan Holl
stephan.holl at intevation.de
Thu Sep 4 03:21:18 EDT 2008
Hallo Werner,
"Werner Macho" <werner.macho at gmail.com>, [20080904 - 08:52:00]
> Hi all!
> Next week is fine for me too but i have to admit that I see some
> problems coming up with writing manual for plugins.
> The easy ones are easy.. but I don't use ALL plugins all the time
> and therefore I sometimes have no clue about the functionality.
> Moreover I really like to write the "howto write a plugin" section
> but as i can see we have to split it maybe into 2 sections.
> Python and C++. And for both sections I need a programmer at my side
> with a small example and guide me through describing it.
> And Stephan - as you have written you startet with screenshots
> already.. Is there any advice which OS to use?
mhh, I cannot contribute if we would decide to only accept
windows-screenies, because I don't have a win-box at hand...
> I mean.. I use Linux
> most of the time and it depends on which window manager I use the
> look of QGIS is changing. So what do we take here?
Well, I do not know. I would suggest do add our nice macros in the
caption of a screenie to show on which OS the pic was taken? Perhaps we
could add also the window-manager (e.g. KDE)?!
Or even simpler, don't show the frames of the screenshots, only plain
> regards and until next week
Stephan Holl <stephan.holl at intevation.de>, http://intevation.de/~stephan
Tel: +49 (0)541-33 50 8 32 | Intevation GmbH | AG Osnabrück - HR B 18998
Geschäftsführer: Frank Koormann, Bernhard Reiter, Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner
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