[Qgis-community-team] QGIS 1.0 Feature Freeze Begins
Tim Sutton
tim at linfiniti.com
Wed Sep 10 16:46:12 EDT 2008
Hi all
Many thanks to all who have contributed new features for the 1.0
release. I have merged in the new plugin installer from Borys now and
would like to start with feature freeze. Chances of getting version
1.0 out in time for FOSS4G2008 are looking slim , especially if we
want to get much polishing & translation etc done. I am in favour of
pushing the schedule to get it out for end of Sept anyway and then
following up with a 1.0.1 bugfix release shortly after (e.g. end Oct /
Mid nov). Could I ask you please to top post your votes:
+1 - lets push to get QGIS 1.0 out for 25 Sept
0 - dont care either way
-1 - slow down tonto, lets rather take our time
I will be working my way down the checklist at
http://wiki.qgis.org/qgiswiki/ReleaseChecklist1.0 and encourage those
who have tasks assigned there to refresh your memories. If there is a
general concensus to +1 above I will adjust the checklist dates to
account for the short release - and if there isnt I will put more
conservative dates into the checklist tomorrow evening.
Release team, now is a good time to start assembling a super duper set
of publicity material for QGIS!
Community team the user interface should now be stable and I would not
expect to see any further changes unless it is absolutely needed to
fix a show stopper bug (unlikely I hope).
Best regards to all,
Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member (Release Manager)
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