[Qgis-community-team] Meeting on thursday
Tim Sutton
tim at linfiniti.com
Thu Sep 11 16:42:13 EDT 2008
I will try to help with writing the C++ plugin writers tutorial.
2008/9/10 Otto Dassau <otto.dassau at gmx.de>:
> Hi Werner,
> On Tue, 09 Sep 2008 20:42:23 +0200
> Werner Macho <werner.macho at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Unfortunately today i got a request for a meeting in Vorarlberg (other
>> side of austria) and i've to go there by train on thursday night.
>> Probably i can be on IRC for a few minutes or later during traindriving
>> by handy-internet.
>> I just wanted to say that i might not be very fast in writing and i
>> promise to read the logs.
> ok :-)
>> I've only a few questions: 1. which are the real core plugins and how
>> shall we handle all the other?
> I would say: core plugins are all plugins that come with a usual QGIS
> installation (this includes eventual extra packages such as qgis-grass-plugin or
> qgis-python-plugin). All other plugins in external repositories, that can be
> added using the plugin manager are extra. We should add information about those
> plugins as well, but I don't know how and what, yet. Some of them are
> really nice. Maybe you have an idea...
>> Can someone help me preparing a few examples for the "howto write a
>> plugin" chapter and help me writing this chapter?
> maybe we can use some workshop ideas from Marco Hugentobler and Horst Düster.
> They did a python-plugin workhop at german FOSSGIS conference in Freiburg this
> year. And there are also C++ Plugin tutorials available from several
> other people. Can you please write to the developers mailing list and ask, if
> people can help you to provide simple exercises for the manual for python and
> C++ plugins?
> kind regards,
> Otto
>> thats all from my side.. i hope i can be with you on thursday but don't
>> wait for me.
>> best wishes
>> Werner
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Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member (Release Manager)
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