[Qgis-community-team] Looking for new Manual Team Lead and Contributors!!

Otto Dassau otto.dassau at gmx.de
Sat Apr 18 08:49:02 EDT 2009

Dear QGIS users,

the QGIS project is looking for a new Manual Team Lead and new contributors. We
need help to organize, update, and revise the english "User Guide" and
"Compilation and Coding Guide" to be able to follow the upcoming new QGIS

As Manual Team Lead you would assist me to organize and take care of the english
documentation process. The job is not very difficult, but you would need to
regularly invest some time, of course. 

As Manual contributor you would be responsible for certain chapters of the two
manuals. We plan to keep the workload as low as possible. At the moment we are
looking for about 10 people to spread the ~ 250 pages evenly between
contributors. QGIS is going to release new versions (1.1, 1.2, etc) every two
months. This means there will be little but steady contributions necessary.  

As Manual Team Lead and/or Contributor you would learn a lot about teamwork and
extend your knowledge about tools like subversion, latex, wiki, irc and many

We all know that time is a limiting factor, but if many people offer to spend a
little time, it won't be a burden for anybody. So as always - any contribution
you have to make will be greately appreciated ;). 

Please contact me, if you are willing to invest some time to help us with the
english documentation as Manual Team Lead or Contributor.

Please note: We are currently migrating the qgis wiki to the OSGeo server and to
mediawiki, that's why you will find more information about the new Manual
Writing process page already here: http://qgis.org/wiki/index.php/Manual_Writing

kind regards,

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