[Qgis-community-team] Release date for manual 1.1

Carson Farmer carson.farmer at gmail.com
Tue Apr 28 11:19:56 EDT 2009

Otto Dassau wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tue, 28 Apr 2009 16:34:07 +0200
> Anne Ghisla <a.ghisla at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tuesday 28 April 2009 16:19:17 you wrote:
>>> Anne,
>>> In addition to my suggestions that you list below, we should also
>>> consider that (especially Chapter 1.1) first time users will be reading
>>> this first, so anything we really want them to know about, we should
>>> probably make sure it ends up in here in some form or another...
>> Right, then the introduction should be the last part to be updated, according 
>> to the other chapters' modifications.
>> I can already list some features that don't need further explanation (like 
>> save as georeferenced image) and update screenshots.
>> (and solve svn failure in commits!)
> On the one hand I agree, but on the other hand there is also section 4.
> Originally section 1.1 was planned to be a short list of the "main" features
> and of course including anything you consider as a main feature should go there,
> but in my opinion the complete list with more or less all features doesn't
> have to be there but should be later present in section 4. 
> Does that make sense to you? 
I agree, an exhaustive list is not required in 1.1... as Otto mentioned, 
the more detailed list should go into Chap 4... I think we need to think 
of Chap 1.1 as a gentle intro to qgis, and grab the readers attention 
with some of the cool and important features, leaving later chaps to 
expand and explain in more detail, adding other 'less important' 
features along the way...

Perhaps after we have this latest manual up and running, we can talk 
about the structure and perhaps add/remove some sections as needed (of 
course we'll keep it as is for now).



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