[Qgis-community-team] QGIS 1.4 is near (and a new year also)

Werner Macho werner.macho at gmail.com
Tue Dec 15 17:26:57 EST 2009

Hi All (and especially translators)

As of today please note that we are entering string freeze for the run
up to the next release. If you are committing bug fixes please avoid
changing any strings. Translation .ts files have been updated in SVN so
please update your local svn checkouts.
The period for translations will close ~Dez-21-2009 (i.e. about one week
from now) and then we will be branching for release. Any translations
submitted to us after that time will only be included in the next
release, so please submit what you have by then even if it is not
complete. As always you can track the release plans via the checklist


If you have any questions about the translation process, please see the
following page which includes instructions on how to generate a .ts file
for a new locale.


Many thanks to all the translators out there for the great work you do!

P.S.: The list of Translation Progress is here

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