[Qgis-community-team] Croatian GUI translation, etc

Zoran Jankovic zoran.m.jankovic at gmail.com
Fri Dec 18 05:52:27 EST 2009

Hi everyone,

I have started a GUI translation to Croatian. I've checked out the newest
version and created a new TS file (qgis_hr_HR.ts). Late last night I managed
to translate just a few expressions, only for testing purposes, and I
estimate it'll translate the whole thing this weekend. My question is: do I
send you this TS file now, or wait until it's 100% translated?

Also, I'm thinking of maybe translating the brochure as well - should I just
send you text, sentence by sentence, or do you have an "open PDF" version I
could directly edit?

Third unrelated thing :-): I'm a GIS professional, and I'm working on a
system: PostGIS, GQIS, Geoserver (or UMN...). Anyone with more experience in
"real life" implementations willing to share info/advice/"notes from the

Best regards,

Zoran Jankovic
ZIS-Izrada softvera i savjetovanje / ZIS - Software Development and


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