[Qgis-community-team] Manual labour (get it?)

Carson Farmer carson.farmer at gmail.com
Fri May 8 11:35:54 EDT 2009

Hi Claudia,
> Carson, you mentioned multiline labels, which I guess should be Vector 
> (me) but I have not done that.
> I may be able to look into this tonight here (PST), if that's not too 
> late. Let me know.
No that's fine. I just tagged the coding and compilation manual this 
afternoon, so we're on track at this point. I'll probably need to tag 
the user manual this weekend, so have a look tonight and I'll check out 
whatever you've got tomorrow.

Have a look on the developer list for some info on the multiline labels. 
I think as long as multiline labels are enabled, all the user has to do 
is add a \n to the label to specify where the new line goes (note it 
must be a true \n, not an escaped newline character \\n).
> I added a couple of images, which may have shifted the layout a bit.
> Other than that all should be ok.
Great! Ok well I'll ask that everyone has a look over the manual, and if 
we all like what we see, I'll tag and branch tomorrow night (I'm on GMT, 
so that will be about 30 hrs from the time of this email). Does that 
work for everyone?


Carson J. Q. Farmer
ISSP Doctoral Fellow
National Centre for Geocomputation (NCG),
Email: Carson.Farmer at gmail.com
Web:   http://www.carsonfarmer.com/

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