[Qgis-community-team] Geometry Tools>Delaunay triangulation by QGIS 1.4 on Ubuntu 9.10

badaveil badaveil at gmail.com
Mon Jan 18 12:34:00 EST 2010

1. Successfully converted a dxf file to a shape file and got a data layer
2. Using Delaunay traingulation, used that data layer then set output as
"test.shp" file
3. Noted 0%, click OK then QGIS automatically closes

HELP! What happened?

I checked and the test.shp file was created. It can be activated to appear
as a vector layer but there is nothing there (which is logical since
triangulation tool didn't run)

Please advice. I will try to run this later on a Windows QGIS 1.4

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