[Qgis-community-team] manual paper size definition

MORREALE Jean Roc jr.morreale at enoreth.net
Tue Jul 27 16:25:04 EDT 2010

Le 27/07/2010 10:55, Otto Dassau a écrit :
> Hi Jean-Roc,
> would it make sense to change the paper size for the manual again back to
> something more common, such as A4? I saw you currently defined
> \usepackage[paperwidth=18.89cm,paperheight=24.58cm,twoside,bindingoffset=9mm,outer=2.2cm,inner=1cm,top=2.6cm,bottom=4.5cm]{geometry}
> maybe we can just add a second paper size definition and comment yours? Is
> it that easy or would that mean more effort?
> Regards,
>   otto


I've committed the change to A4 and fixed some float's overflow in the 
grass chapter, the actual svn is building fine.

Good night,
Jean Roc

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