[Qgis-community-team] switch to pdflatex is over

MORREALE Jean Roc jr.morreale at enoreth.net
Fri May 14 06:07:25 EDT 2010

Le 14/05/2010 11:27, Otto Dassau a écrit :
> Am Fri, 14 May 2010 11:17:58 +0200 schrieb MORREALE Jean
> Roc<jr.morreale at enoreth.net>:
>> Le 14/05/2010 10:07, Otto Dassau a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> thanks a lot Jean Roc from my side as well! I tested it, it
>>> doesn't compile properly on my machine at the moment, but the
>>> result looks already very nice!
>> Could you tell what kind of error occurs and the version of your
>> latex distribution (opensuse) ?
> of course, but maybe I simply need a closer look to make it run on my
> linux.
> a) ! Package scrkbase Error: unknown KOMA option `toc'.
> b) ! LaTeX Error: File `biblatex.sty' not found.
> c)  ...asova08})\relax }}{120}{figure.caption.57}
> d) ! Undefined control sequence..Neteler \&  Mitasova 2008
> \parencite{neteler_mitasova08})}
> e) ! Undefined control sequence. l.73 \printbibliography
> using bibtex I get:
> The top-level auxiliary file: user_guide.aux I found no \bibdata
> command---while reading file user_guide.aux I found no \bibstyle
> command---while reading file user_guide.aux
> Unfortunately I don't have time to find out about it at the moment,
> that's why I didn't ask you to fix it. It might be related to my
> installations.

For a) please report your koma-script version (I'm using the 3.05) and 
for b) to e) you need to have biblatex installed. If you're on opensuse 
you may need to switch to texlive 2009 instead of texlive 2008, I 
personally use a Fedora 12's virtualbox as there is an texlive 
repository maintained by Jindrich Novy 

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