[Qgis-community-team] Coding and compilation guide 1.6.0
jr.morreale at enoreth.net
Fri Jan 14 03:38:03 EST 2011
Le 13/01/2011 22:40, emperor Stef a écrit :
> Hello !!!
> I am trying to build the translation and I get errors when typing "make" ... specifically I get make[2]: convert: Command not found
> make[2]: *** [cpp1_application.eps] Error 127
> It does not compile at all... I get the same error when I type "sudo make"
> Why is this happening?
> Regards,
> Stefanos
Hi, converting to *.eps is not necessary since we moved to pdflatex.
Copy the following line in .sh file and it should be ok :
#! /bin/sh
cd /home/user/path/to/QGIS/1.6/user_guide/
# clean the folder of previous builds
rm -rf *.aux *.bbl *.blg *.idx *.ilg *.ind *.lof *.log *.lot *.toa *.toc
*.synctex*.gz *.html *.4ct *.4tc *.css *.dvi *.idv *.tmp *.xref *.lg
*.out *.png
# build the manual with bibliography and index
pdflatex user_guide.tex
pdflatex user_guide.tex
bibtex user_guide
makeindex -cl -o user_guide.ind user_guide.idx
pdflatex user_guide.tex
pdflatex user_guide.tex
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