[Qgis-community-team] QGis fTools

Jackie Woodruff jackiejwoodruff at gmail.com
Fri Mar 25 23:46:31 EDT 2011

I would like feedback on these ideas for fTools, and some information about
what the current activity is with fTools.

Documentation - Improve the ftools_help.xml files by filling in the 'inputs,
parameters and additional information'.

Plugins - Develop a plugin for fTools, based on suggestions from the fTools
developers regarding what is currently needed/wanted.

Vector Menu - Integrate existing plugins so they can become part of the core
qgis plugins, included in the 'Vector' menu.

Help Button - Add help buttons to each tool vector tool UI which link to the
fTools help file.

Thank you,

Jackie Woodruff

GIS Student - British Columbia Institute of Technology
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